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Topics - romullus

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19
[Max] Resolved Bugs / vfb ui
« on: 2014-06-04, 15:01:23 »
Looks like corona's vfb has lost some elements in latest build.

General CG Discussion / vray demo for 3ds max
« on: 2014-05-25, 11:35:32 »
Recently i thought, that it would be nice to have vray demo in my max, for me to be able to read/convert some of vray materials that i encounter from time to time. I do not plan or want to use vray or any of it's feature for a split second, apart from material preview. I went to chaos page and saw that there is time limited trial version. Question is, what'll happens when trial period will expire? Do i have to uninstall vray? Maybe there is some other way to convert materials, without having vray installed?

[Max] Resolved Bugs / CoronaCameraMod and MultiScatter bug
« on: 2014-04-18, 13:14:59 »
Build timestamp: Apr 14 2014 16:32:22

Max crashes when MultiScatter's camera adaptation is assigned camera with CoronaCameraMod modifier.

Version of MultiScatter:

Not sure if this bug or limitation of hosek-wilkie model, but when sun approaching horizon, blue channel in sun disk's color, became of negative value and sun instead of white, appears yellow in render. So it pretty much useless at those extreme angles, unless one's willing to turn off "visible in reflections".

One more thing, it would be nice if corona sun would have ability to set angle a few degrees below horizon.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Stats tab in vfb
« on: 2014-03-30, 16:18:58 »
Small annoying thing: state of stats tab in corona's vfb, doesn't save with scene.

[Max] General Discussion / proxy->editable geometry
« on: 2014-03-29, 10:34:51 »
Is it possible to extract editable mesh from proxy?  It must be, i assume, but is it hard to implement? Via scripting?

Keymaster, could you expose backface cull option in object properties for corona lights? I find it quite frustrating to work with big lights without this feature.

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / MB segments count
« on: 2014-03-21, 00:47:32 »
Keymaster, could you rise limit for motion blur transformation segments? From my experience, more segments adds close to nothing to render time, but could tremendously improve mb in certain situations. Something like 200 or even more would be great.

I think i found bug with multi/sub object map, when assigned to refraction slot. In attached image, both boxes are identical, with faces, that are facing away from camera, having mat id 2. Both have assigned multi/sub materials with simple glass material in mat id1 and id2. The only difference is, that box on the left has instanced materials and box on the right - unique.

I can't explain more clearly with my poor english, hence why i attached max file :]

Edit: btw, it's behaving exactly the same in A5 too, so it's long standing bug. I wonder how nobody hasn't noticed it before.

About this Forum / Like button
« on: 2014-03-10, 11:44:13 »
Wouldn't be too much to ask to add "like" button to forum? It's too many times i wanted to show agreement to certain posts or jus say that i like particular picture in galery, but didn't wanted to add to my rapidly growing postcount or to waste other members time.

I'm not posting this in bug section, just because i'm not sure if it's a bug or that's how it's intended to work, but all that exposure and tone mapping thing in corona, bugging me quite a while. I did a bunch of tests this evening and things became a little clearer, but there is still few things, that i'd like to know.

1. photographic exposure mode is not adjustable when rendering, is this thing possible to fix?
2. in arbitrary EV mode, original RGB values via right click in vfb, are reported incorrectly, i think. Will it be fixed?
3. wouldn't it be good idea to replace arbitrary EV in UI with common EV values?

Don't know if it's too late to make it in A6, but i think it would be more logical to change default shutter speed value from 1/125 to 1/60 or 1/50. It gives much better results at default framerate, as it replicates 180 shutter rule.

I have few more suggestions about UI and defaults, but i think i'll leave it to post A6.

Build timestamp: Mar  2 2014 16:46:58
Maxsdk version: 2013

If scene contains unhided delegate helper, error message pops out when trying to render:

"An exception occurred while rendering with 3ds Max.
This render will abort. If you render again without resolving the exception, you may experience instability.
Unknown Exception"

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Slowdown with deformation MB
« on: 2014-02-27, 20:52:08 »
It goes from 10M r/s down to 5K r/s. So quite noticeable, i'd say :]
I packed entire scene and uploaded it via corona uploader. It's saved in 2014 version. If you need it to be saved in earlier version, just let me know.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / motion blur on instanced geometry
« on: 2014-02-26, 22:38:47 »
Build timestamp: Feb 26 2014 00:25:43
Maxsdk version: 2013

Motion blur is not rendering on instanced objects. This affects regular (rigid) mb only. Non-rigid one, seems ok.
Although, i noticed, that non-rigid  mb sometimes causes massive slowdown, but not always. I can't see pattern yet.

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