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Topics - romullus

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Multi/sub-object is supported as viewport mat, but not supported as render mat inside shell material. Could it be supported as both?

Gallery / Venom
« on: 2014-07-30, 12:08:33 »
I like to render some beautiful cars, from time to time. This time i picked up SRT Viper, which i had rendered in mental ray about a year ago, before i knew about existence of corona.
I get inspiration from photo, which i saw in flickr.

3ds max, corona, lightroom, hdri from smcars and car model from forza game.

[Max] General Discussion / Motion blur and animated texmaps
« on: 2014-07-29, 12:56:32 »
Motion blur doesn't work with animated texmaps. Where should i post this topic, to bug reporting or feature requests?

I'm missing ability to enable, disable texmaps in CoronaAO shader. Would be useful to have those chekboxes next to texmap slots.

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / CoronaWarpTex
« on: 2014-07-23, 13:11:39 »
It would be really nice to have Corona warp map, that could distort given texmap by input of another texmap. Currently i'm using Warp Texture from FooTools and it works fine on max 2014, except that it heavily freezes pc when rendering and i'm not sure it'll work with newer max, because it haven't been updated for a long time.

Or maybe, there is some alternatives, that i'm not aware of?

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Render stamp issue
« on: 2014-07-22, 15:53:18 »
Build timestamp: Jul 21 2014 19:04:41
Corona version: Daily build post-A7, Maxsdk version: 2014

It is very [annoyingly] hard to edit render stamp message, because whole field gets selected after every single input.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Corona VFB spinners issue
« on: 2014-07-21, 23:01:35 »
Build timestamp: Jul 21 2014 19:04:41

I won't call it a bug, but a funny small annoying thing ;] In Corona's VFB under ColorMap tab, spinners show quite strange behaviour. If you grab upper arrow of any spinner, it is possible to drag it continuously over screen's edge in both directions, however, if you grab lower arrow of spinner, you can drag it to the screen's bottom edge only.
Also, ctrl and alt keys not working when draging spinners in Corona's VFB.

[Max] Resolved Bugs / CoronaLight POV crash
« on: 2014-07-20, 23:13:52 »
Build timestamp: Jul 16 2014 21:51:07

Setting viewport to CoronaLight POV through Point-Of-View (POV) Viewport Label Menu sends max to crash. If one choose to save recovery file when that happens, it gets corrupted.

Corona Settings>Global camera settings>Shutter speed - current max value is 999,0, i'd suggest to rise this limit, as real world cameras can reach up to 1/8000s or even more, depending on shutter type.

In CoronaCameraMod numeric settings on right mouse click sets to minimal values instead of default ones. Could it be changed?

[Max] Resolved Bugs / dof bug
« on: 2014-07-13, 12:16:55 »
Build timestamp: Jul 11 2014 19:17:55

Exposure of rendered image decreases exacty by 1 stop (EV value) when dof is enabled. No matter if photographic exposure or arbitrary EV is used. CoronaCameraMod acts the same.

Did a little test to see what's the best method to make foliage in Corona. Results are self-explanatory.
Opacity texture used, was 8bit RGB tiff. Should i use grayscale image as opacity map, with method B i can get very similar render times to method C, so B is a clear winner for me. Of course, your mileage may vary ;]

[Max] I need help! / CoronaSky map needed
« on: 2014-07-07, 15:45:56 »
I need some help from powerful machine owner. Could someone, who has pc with 32-64GB RAM do a small favorite to me. I need CoronaSky map rendered at as high resolution as possible.

Here is basic instruction, you should follow:
1. create new scene
2. create free camera at world origin, rotate it 90 degrees in x axis
3. assign CoronaCameraMod modifier to that camera, check Override type: spherical
4. assign CoronaSky to Enviroment Map
4.1. create CoronaSun with such settings: Rotation - 223.1 Angle - 75,0
5. set render settings as follow: MSI -0, secondary solver - PT, exposure (EV) - 4, pass limit - 5. Leave rest settings at their defaults.
6. set Image Aspect to 2 in Common tab and render resolution as high as you can (with 16GB RAM i can render 20Kx10K)
7. render
8. save vfb output to hdr format
9. put hdr file to dropbox or anywhere else from where i could download it.

10. have my gratefulness for your kind work :]

Edit: added some additional info to instructions ;]

[Max] Resolved Bugs / standart material's opacity filtering
« on: 2014-06-25, 14:14:17 »
Maps in standart material's opacity slot are filtered even when texmap filtering is set to "all but opacity" in Corona settings.

[Max] General Discussion / Opacity tex comparison
« on: 2014-06-20, 16:26:43 »
I was making some foliage textures for personal use recently. Saved all maps to png format and begin to construct material. Soon enough i found that my material performs rather poor in therms of speed. Naturally, i blamed opacity map. Tried different tricks, but nothing really helped. So i decided to resave opacity texture to other format and to my surprise, i saw significant improvement. All other formats rendered much quicker... all except png and gif. Later i found out that transparency in those formats is what causing problems. But most interestingly is that gif saved without transparency shows massive improvement in render speed! So from now on, i'll use gif for opacity maps exclusively.

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Colour selector values
« on: 2014-06-19, 10:23:55 »
It woud be great that Corona's colour selector values would be in 0,0-1,0 rather than in 0-255 range, like they are in mental ray colour selector. Currently, if i want to fine tune colour, i have to use CoronaSolidTex, but it's not very convenient this way.

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