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Topics - TomG

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Hi all!

Very pleased to say that the Corona for Cinema 4D road map is now open to the public!

This follows the same format as the road map for 3ds Max, and can be used to see what we are working on with the expected release dates so that you can keep an eye on all of that. We'll keep it updated, and it can be your "go to" source for the latest info on dates and features.


Hi all!

Never explored the UHD cache for animations, have always just left it calculating from scratch as I always have objects moving around and didn't want to take any chances. I wondered if this would be a useful ability for when objects and / or lights are moving in an animation?

- Set Max to render every x frames (1 second time limit for each frame to save on rendering unneeded passes - or a checkbox for "calculate UHD cache only") and save the UHD cache, and this would save with the frame number. Let's say every 20 frames is chosen, so we get UHDCache_0000.uhd, UHDCache_0020.uhd, etc.

- Set Max to render the animation and load the UHD cache. For frames 0 to 19, it uses UHDCache_0000.uhd. At frame 20, it recognizes a new version of the UHD cache is there, and for 20 to 39 it uses UHDCache_0020 for those. 40 to 59 it uses UHDCache_0040.uhd. Etc.

Most flexible would be if the load sequence didn't have preset values it was looking for but simply recognized the most recent UHD cache to use vs the frame it is rendering so we could do things like frame 0 to 300 nothing moves except the camera so create and use UHDCache_0000.uhd, 301 to 450 there are object movements so create and use a cache every 20 frames, 451 to 600 a major light moves so create and use a UHD cache every 5 frames.

Not sure if this would be possible, and not sure how much benefit it might offer trading calculating the UHD cache versus calculating which one to load?

[Max] I need help! / Substance Painter and 1.5 daily
« on: 2016-07-04, 20:46:17 »
Been exploring Substance Painter for the first time, with particular reference to the new Glossiness in daily builds for 1.5.

Since this is my first time trying this, wanted to post some findings and get some feedback, advice and comments on what I am doing wrong / could do better. Hoping at some point to know enough about what I am doing to make video tutorials about it, if I can understand it better :)

I started with just the Gold Pure material from the Painter Materials library. The only way I got it to work at present was:
- In TextureSet Settings in Painter, set Roughness to Linear (I used L8)
- Use the Converted Maps Glossiness as the output to the Glossiness file
- Save to EXR. If I saved to PNG (even with an RGB value in the TextureSet Settings rather than Linear) then things were not coming out as expected.

If I did the above, then glossiness seems to map 1 to 1 on export from Painter and import into Max, meaning that as best as I could tell the new Glossiness is indeed working to standard. I used high Fresnel values (not importing Fresnel IOR from Painter at the moment, as not sure how that would work) and all was good for materials with a Roughness in Painter of up to about 0.6 (see images for .2 and .5)

However, as Roughness in Painter gets above about 0.6 or thereabouts, the material begins to render more brightly in Corona than it does in Iray or real-time view in Painter (see images for .8).

To correct for that, the Fresnel IOR value in the Corona Material has to reduce, and a reduction of the Reflection brightness is useful too (as at too low a Fresnel value, the Fresnel effect gets more pronounced in Corona than in the Painter material).

I set this up in a crude form - I took the Glossiness EXR, and set a curve so it remains at 1 until a Painter Roughness of 0.6 was reached, then it begins to drop off. With a Corona Mix I used that to multiply with a Corona Colour, and plugged the result of that into the Fresnel IOR so that the value drops with those values of Roughness from 0.6 to 1.0 in Painter. I did the same with the Metal Colour (going into Reflection Colour).

Is there a better way to do any of this? E.g. is there a way to avoid needing EXRs? Is there some better way to control the Fresnel IOR to avoid the overbright results for high roughness values? Is this related in any way to the topic raised elsewhere regarding unexpected results (when compared to other renderers) from Fresnel IOR?


Gallery / Animation of laser alignment system
« on: 2016-06-03, 00:24:39 »
Figured it would be interesting to share a recently posted video I created, which is an introductory / marketing video for a laser alignment system. It will come in at about 18 minutes long for all 5 parts, though there are freeze frames and loops in the video editor so not every frame was rendered independently (made no sense to render the same thing over and over though it would make the set up in the video editor easier!)

The look is not a fully photo-real one, still somewhat illustrative. Client is very happy with it, as am I - ah to have had denoising during this one!


Jobs / Success stories
« on: 2016-06-02, 22:16:05 »
Did you find a job or find the perfect employee from here on the Corona forums? Are you a freelancer using Corona, at any level?

As you know (or will soon learn!) I am always on the lookout for interesting stories for our blog and Facebook, so if you have a tale to tell I’d be interested to hear from you. Send me over a private message and we can discuss!

Best regards,

General CG Discussion / Contests
« on: 2016-06-02, 20:31:01 »
Hi all,

I am always interested to know about anyone who enters a contest using Corona, so give me a shout if you have entered any. Some of the contests running at present are:

CGTalk's Thrust Challenge
It's about spaceships (don't go thinking anything else from the title!) Deadline is July 19th.

Talenthouse's Ready Player One
Get an avatar selected for use in the upcoming Ready Player One movie. Deadline is June 23rd.

CGarchitect's 2016 Awards
Deadline is June 6th

Project Sloane
Free model of the Sir John Sloane's Bank of England, and then you create renders of it. Deadline June 6th/

If you enter any, let me know - and best of luck! Also if you know of any other contests that folks might want to enter, post them here too.


General CG Discussion / CG Architect contest
« on: 2016-05-05, 15:40:40 »
On a more traditional note compared to the ILM contest, anyone entering the cgarchitect contest? (note, we are not affiliated in any way with this contest, I am just sharing for those who may be interested). Again, always interested to hear how any Coronauts do in contests!


General CG Discussion / Anyone want their work seen by ILM?
« on: 2016-05-05, 15:37:23 »
Artstation has a new Concept Art based contest starting soon (note, we are not affiliated in any way with this contest, I am just sharing for those who may be interested). Looks like it will be a challenging one! I do love to see Corona entries into contests, so if anyone does take part, let me know!

Anyone entering the Project Soane contest?

Grab yourself a model of Sir John Soane’s Bank of England, and create your interpretation and render to enter this contest (note, we are not affiliated in any way with the contest, just a share so people know it is there!)

You have to use Autodesk software but any renderer is allowed (

I see some Corona entries in there already :) When browsing the gallery, select the filter drop down and choose Corona, as for some reason when looking at the image the Render Engine is simply listed as "NVIDIA GeForce" or similar.

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