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Topics - marchik

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More and more often I notice that it is more convenient for me to use Corona scatter instead of Forest pack, it does not have such a messy interface and in most cases it does its job perfectly.
There is only one case left where I have to use Forest - scattering along the spline.

Let's say we have a curbstone and a complex spline with different Z-coordinates of the vertices (spline and box.jpg)

Let's create corona scatter and Forest and we can notice that the orientation of the boxes is slightly different. In the case of Forest, the boxes are oriented strictly upwards and in the case of Corona scatter, they are rotated along "local spline axis".
(scatters_Top_view_comparison.jpg and scatters_perespective_view_comparison.jpg)

We don’t have many controls to adjust the orientation of objects. In the case of Corona scatter it is "align to normal" and in the case of Forest pack it is "follow path X and Z" (Scatter along splines controls.jpg)

And as we can notice - changing these parameters does virtually the same thing, but this does not solve the problem because we lose the orientation of objects along other axes.
(Corona scatter align to normal 1.jpg and Forest follow path Z unchecked.jpg)

Can we just have an additional "make it straght!" checkbox that aligns objects like in a forest pack?

PS many thanks to the devs for the wonderful render engine and attention to user requests!

I have noticed this issue after installing Corona 4 Release version, when i create simple metal (or mirror-like) material with ior 23-999 and glossiness between 0.7-0.99, rendering models with material applied becomes weird and slow, its happens both for IR and Production rendering in all complex scenes no matter of lighting, with hdri or simple Coronalights, caustics on and off, with new lightsolver on/off, the only thing that helped me is a fresh scene with one sphere in it) then it is rendered well.

I attach screenshots of comparison between the 5th and 25th pass
I want to upload GIF but it is too big)

3ds max 2018
Windows 10
Xeon E5-2683 v3

Hello, I have noticed, when I setup my material using for example 3 maps like diffuse, refgloss and normalbump and when I want to use triplanar projection i have to setup triplanar map, then copy it 3 times and spend some time connecting pins.
And every time I want to change and tweak triplanar projection i need to do it again, copying 3 times and connecting pins, considering that we cant see triplanar changes in the viewport and have to use IR, all that stuff becomes really annoying.
What if we could use multiple inputs  in CoronaTriplanar map  and multiple outputs for every texture we want to use with triplanar(choosing desired amount) or maybe CoronaTriplanarModifier with selectable desired UV channel. It will be great! I am not doing "photoshop-hypothetical" screenshots because it seems  that everything is clear.

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