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Topics - fla

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Gallery / Kitchen, by Peter Zumthor
« on: 2015-10-16, 15:33:08 »

This is my first personal project in Corona for C4D. Well known Peter Zumthor's atelier in Switzerland.
There is some noise on the leather material on chairs and bench, I guess I'd have to wait a bit longer (or maybe the bump is to high?) Still need to figure that out.
Trees were made in Onyx.

Done in corona A3, a4 is too buggy atm.
Comments & critiques welcomed!


Software: Cinema4d, Corona a3, LightRoom + Photoshop, Onyx

(c) Bread objects by Betrand Benoit
(c) some other small object from Evermotion

[C4D] General Discussion / Grass scattering
« on: 2015-05-24, 17:35:19 »
Hi to all!

I'm starting to test recently published Corona alpha2 for Cinema. I must say I'm really impressed!
Today I was playing around with grass scattering (with surface Spread) and I have a question for anybody that has some experience with it.
It's precompiling really fast when I keep number of render instances low (p.e. when I cover a filed aprox 20meters from camera) but when I try covering aprox 40meters the "Preparing" part goes on and on. I'm asking this because a friend that uses Max + Corona does not seem to experience the same long "Preparing" pre-rendering time. I'm wondering if anybody could light the subject a bit.

I'm attaching a preview image - it only took 2min to render this, which is pretty fast (I'm covering aprox 20m radius around the camera - actually only the cone area). But increasing the size just increases the time really drastically (to about 20min of Preparing time).
Is there anything I can do to speed it up?

The grass patch has 800 polys, it's not that heavy.

I'm using i7 3930K, 32gb ram


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