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Messages - Phillshaw

Pages: [1]
Gallery / Something little different!
« on: 2022-03-03, 11:55:30 »
Hi guys,

I thought I'd share this, all of my work on this ongoing project is created in C4D and rendered using the might of Corona. You can see the introduction of various techniques I've played with as you move through the set.

In the beginning there was no volume, curvature maps or much of anything particularly amazing BUT this is an exercise in learning so im thrilled to actually have developed and retained something. There's a joke about old dogs and new tricks in there somewhere.

Anyway comments welcome guys, and if anyone has any tips.... reach out!

I have them all in a Webstory on my site here: but have obviously attached my personal faves here.

Gallery / Re: Popowo-Letnisko
« on: 2022-03-03, 07:57:38 »
Don't let it be your last! Stunning work, the detail is incredible. The snow, particularly, is gorgeous!

Okay so I think I think i've created good.....

I already have a use for the shader im creating so this is what I have come up with. I know that I want the 'dispersal' to be fairly random, or as random as random ever is in these situations. So I used a colorised texture in the Occluded color channel. I adjusted my max distance as per your screenshot (im so fuzzy when it comes to scene scale *whole other conversation!*) then toyed with; color spread, the 'calculate from' (which I suspect is tantamount to concave+convex??) and direction offset which clearly relate to X, Y, Z.

This produced the screenshot which is ballpark what im trying to achieve. A rough, random, dirt spattering. I can then duplicate the shader out and change the seed on the colourised texture to produce different results, if that makes sense!

Thoughts appreciated,

Jeez sorry MY bad that is absolutely what I meant too, I just wanted to be sure it shouldn't be in the diffuse!!

Thanks :)

Thanks! Yeah that does help, nice shot!
Is that AO simply in your diffuse colour layer?

Love that result from Max, has anyone rolled this out into C4D?


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