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Messages - ale.castano

Pages: [1] 2
[Max] I need help! / Re: Rendering for configurator
« on: 2019-09-19, 17:20:45 »
Thanks Sprayer, I'll give it a try as soon as I get back to my desk!

[Max] I need help! / Re: Rendering for configurator
« on: 2019-09-19, 14:11:09 »
I believe I'm missing something, I fear I'd need to ask for your kind support again.
I used the RaySwitch on the sofa materials, but this is what I get. Still no textures, all white when I try to render..
What am I doing wrong?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Rendering for configurator
« on: 2019-09-19, 13:46:10 »
Nevermind, find the tutorial..lazy me...

[Max] I need help! / Re: Rendering for configurator
« on: 2019-09-19, 13:38:04 »
Also you may need to use rayswitch with shadowcatcher because it may cast white color, what you mention it
Yes, that's my major problem. Can you please explain to me how to do this? About the rest I do exactly what you said. Thank you so so much for your help.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Rendering for configurator
« on: 2019-09-19, 11:24:09 »
or maybe indeed there's a room for improvement in your workflow.
That's for sure! Overall I find it quite complicated even to explain. Attached are some examples from a quick test scene:
1 - The final image that should be on the configurator
2 - The render with shadowcatcher: there is the problem. The objects get wird when rendered, textures get kinda bleached and  cannot understand why. Here comes the need for the selective render first.

To be honest I didn't create the HDRI of the room and attached it to Shadowcatcher: now thanks to you I can try this way, maybe the lack of the HDRI causes problems.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Rendering for configurator
« on: 2019-09-19, 10:52:56 »
Thank you so much romullus for the tip. I remember doing this in Vray but could not find anything about Corona. To be honest the way of doing this is pretty similar.
Back to the point, what I cannot figure out is getting a clean result. Let me explain the best solution I found:
- I render the single object with selective render, so I get the object and slpha channel.
- then I apply shadowcatcher material to the walls so I can get the shadows of the object in environment
- finally in PS I do some cleanup to the base layer (the shadowcatcheer one) and then merge it with the selective render with alpha.

This one I get what I need but I wish I could simplyfy the workflow...

[Max] I need help! / Re: Rendering for configurator
« on: 2019-09-19, 08:54:04 »
Hi romullus,
What I need is to render a single object in the room with alpha and alpha shadows. Clearly the object must have correct lights/shadows from the environment. Also I was thinking about creating an HDRI directly from the scene, but I can't find a proper way to do it in max. Any halp on this too?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Rendering for configurator
« on: 2019-09-17, 14:27:02 »
Hi thanks for replying.
I kinda found a way, but'it not clean as I wish. And yes, it involves various renders to achieve.
Biggest problem for me is managing the ShadowCatcher in an interior scene keeping all lights and occlusions...

[Max] I need help! / Re: Rendering for configurator
« on: 2019-09-17, 13:48:20 »
No one have a tip to share? I'm starting to believe this is more complex than expected..

[Max] I need help! / Re: Create HDRI from scene
« on: 2019-09-16, 12:36:13 »
Well, to be honest it's slightly more difficult than that, just realized..
Let me explain in depth what I am aiming to achieve. I need to create a configurator for furniture. Please find attached an example.
I want to create a room. The user must have the possibility to change walls, floor and the object in it (in the attached example you can only change walls).
I will need to export PNGs with transparecy for all the pieces that should be changed, maintaing the shadows and lights.
The object should be affected by the enviromental lights and should cast shadows accordingly.
I was thinking about Shadow Catcher for the furniture piece, but overall I'm missing many steps to actually make it work correctly..
If someone could share some hints about what is the best way to approch this, I'd be very grateful.
Thank you all.

[Max] I need help! / Rendering for configurator
« on: 2019-09-16, 12:09:11 »
Hi guys,
I was wondering if it's possible to create an HDRI map from a scene. I need to create the HDRI from an interior scene. I remember this was possible in Vray setting up a spherical cam and FOV to 360.
Is it possible in Corona too? Thank you for your much appreciated help.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 1.3 Benchmark
« on: 2019-06-17, 14:29:48 »
Hello all,
I remember I saw this around but can't find the right answer, so sorry for asking again. Why in the benchmark results many Ryzen Threadripper are x4? As long as I know you can't have double processors, but maybe I'm not well informed.
Anyone knows about this and can explain? Thanks

[Max] I need help! / Re: Problems with caustics
« on: 2019-06-11, 18:55:59 »
Rabbsan, unchecking ONLY AUSTICS IN ELEMENT did the trick, thank you!
Thank you all for the support, always a great community here.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Problems with caustics
« on: 2019-06-11, 14:04:56 »
Hi romullus, thanks.
I'LL attach It as soon as i get back to my desk!
Thank you all!

[Max] I need help! / Re: Problems with caustics
« on: 2019-06-11, 14:04:08 »
Thanks Pokoy,
Yes, I tried different types of light (Sun, plane, IES),  put them in different poistions and change value.
Just wanted to be sure i didn't di anything wrong.
I'll keep playing with values and positions.

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