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Messages - MartinBerthelsen

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[C4D] I need help! / How do I render out an animation?
« on: 2019-03-14, 09:59:32 »

I can't seem to figure out how I render out an animation from Cinema 4D using Corona. I have tried rendering just a single frame, but I just can't get it out of Cinema 4D. If I render just a single frame, it just keeps rendering in infinity?

How do I render out an image and how do i render out an animation?

...I know it sounds like a stupid question, but I can't find any documentation on it and I'm still fairly new to 3d and 3rd party renderers!

Thanks for the help everyone, I can get it to work somewhat, but still not quite perfect. But I'll try fiddling with the settings a bit more. :)

Changing the blur- offset and scale actually helped quite a bit, though it still look... "broken".

Sorry, but what exactly do you mean about decreasing the screen size or world size? :)

The displacement map is pretty high res.

Oh, and here's the screenshot of it, forgot to attach it to my other comment.

Well... It worked, now it shows the displacement map... But it just created another problem for me.

It looks really weird and pixelated for some reason, any idea why? I have done it exactly like you did in the file you uploaded.

Sorry for my late answer... I have been sick through the whole weekend... :(

I will try it out now, thanks a lot for the help guys! :)


I've been trying to fix this all day... But can't seem to find a fix for it.

I'm trying to make a credit card, the Displacement Map worked fine before I tried switching from Cinema 4D's renderer to Corona. I have set up all the materials from new using the Corona ones and still it won't show up on the model in the renderview. I am using the Layered Material to put them all together.

Please note that I'm still new in 3D!

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