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Messages - johezetop

Pages: [1]
Does it support dispersion yet?

as base of their website:

Planned Future Improvements

More Light Transport: Support for Metropolis Light Transport is being considered. Support for a hybrid MLT-VCM approach is also being looked in to.

More BSDFs: Implementations of additional, better BSDFs such as Beckmann, GGX, and the Disney Principled BSDF are planned.

Displacement/Subdivision: Support for texture driven displacement mapping and OpenSubdiv integration are planned.

Software Integration: Maya and Houdini integration are being considered.

Dispersion/Diffraction: Support for wavelength based splitting of light into component colors to achieve effects like diffraction is planned.

Volumetric Rendering: A integrated system for volumetrics and scattering is planned. The planned approach is to implement the Unified Points, Beams, and Paths algorithm by Krivanek et al. and presented at SIGGRAPH 2014. OpenVDB integration is also planned.

Gallery / Re: Center of Cancer and Health - Lemons Bucket
« on: 2016-11-06, 22:34:27 »
We try to recreate all this beauty in these architecture visualizations

i love first image,

do you lighting this with hdr? (IBL)
and can you tell, where i can get this hdr?

Takua Render is a physically-based photorealistic 3D renderer I am writing from scratch in C++. Takua is built from the ground up as a global illumination renderer supporting global illumination through several different light transport algorithms, including unidirectional pathtracing with direct light sampling, Veach-style bidirectional pathtracing with multiple importance sampling, progressive photon mapping, and vertex connection and merging. The renderer is still a work in progress, but already supports a number of features, listed below. The ultimate objective of this project is to learn about building an advanced production-ready renderer.

more info:

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: romullus's wips
« on: 2016-11-05, 21:28:54 »
Very simple setup, one light and enviroment.

where i can get this oil tanks hdr?

General CG Discussion / Apocalyptic environment with ZBrush
« on: 2016-11-05, 13:08:10 »

i'm looking for zbrush tutorials for making of Apocalyptic environments like below image (from 0% to 100% / Modeling + Texturing)

can somebody help me?

no ... i can't joint to this course :[

because my place is restricted area!!

To learn his methods, you need to look at his scenes. thats the simplest way.

But really, look at his scenes and see how he has done what he has done.

can you make an work like as bertrand benoit style with this way?

but are principles.

ok ... what's this principles for making of an work like as bertrand benoit style?
i need to good source , not semi making of tutorial.

not only talk about this: "this is nothing else just 3dsmax + corona + ps + arionFX" :D

friends , as i say on the first post i need to good source and at least good tutor , not just discussion ...

I believe you can purchase some of his scenes and tear them apart.

yes, you right ... but this scene and many examples (like evermotion for vray)  just give raw render to us ... not final result!

i believe that the author of the Corona have to make an ultra realistic sample to show the power of their render engine and help us to use this power ... (like as plane with auto pilot !!)

today, many fast - easy to use - powerful - realistic - affordable - gpu base - cpu base - gpu+cpu base - cuda base - muda base !! - rt and so render engines are in this world. but we can make many results of this works just via photoshop and matte painting without needs to render one pixel and make the result better than raw render!

so, what about this?

[Max] I need help! / bertrand benoit Corona rendering style
« on: 2016-11-02, 22:32:26 »

i'm new in corona ...

i'm just wondered about some works of bertrand benoit (BBB3VIZ) with corona like this work. =>

can someone tell me about the laws and ways to create like this works?
i mean lighting laws , postprocessing laws.
not just modeling or render setup or shading with diffuse map and reflection map and so, that talks about this in the semi making of tutorials that's available on over of the net. :/

i mean what's the main trick of this works. not only talk about this: "this is nothing else just 3dsmax + corona + ps + arionFX" :D
i mean details of this workflow.


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