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Messages - AVAV

Pages: [1]
[Max] I need help! / Re: Video Flickering
« on: 2019-11-06, 12:51:26 »
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the feedback!

I have tried both of these suggestions and while it has reduced a great deal of the flickering, there is still noticeable flickering (see attached video).

It has also increased the render time to 60 hours for 120 frames @ 720P resolution. The CPU is 38.4Ghz Xeon. Does 60 hours seem excessive?

The settings are:

UHD Cache Animation (flicker free)
Load from UHD File
4.0% Noise Level Limit
Image filter Highlight claming 1.75 (use high quality filtering.

Thanks again for any thoughts!

Great, looks much better.

From what I see your noise is focused mostly on the glossiness of your floor and on the brick wall, I would like to know if you are using light-mix, frankly you shouldn't have this noise at 4%, personally I use 3.5% to 3.8% for animations. What's the value of your de-noising? Have you tried the scene with Corona 5 - 2.5D Displacement? I think it will improve your speeds.

Please provide the actual model of your Xeon in order to assess further.

Denoising is Corona High Quality, amount 0.8, radius 1.0

CPU is Xeon CPU E5-2650 0 x 2

I am using Light mix.

And would be hesitant to go finer on the noise % as it is already taking incredibly long as it is.

I am not using Corona 5 2.5D Displacement. It will save some time I think but it is having to run 98(?) passes to reach 4% noise, so not sure if the 2.5 Displacement will help all that much in the scheme of things.

Thank you for your thoughts!

[Max] I need help! / Re: Video Flickering
« on: 2019-11-06, 08:01:18 »
Looks like you uncheck this box

and you have missing floor on the left behind the door with vase

Sorry, i don't understand. This box is checked.

Should I uncheck it?

Aslo, good pick up on the missing floor. Thank you!

[Max] I need help! / Re: Video Flickering
« on: 2019-11-06, 01:13:06 »
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the feedback!

I have tried both of these suggestions and while it has reduced a great deal of the flickering, there is still noticeable flickering (see attached video).

It has also increased the render time to 60 hours for 120 frames @ 720P resolution. The CPU is 38.4Ghz Xeon. Does 60 hours seem excessive?

The settings are:

UHD Cache Animation (flicker free)
Load from UHD File
4.0% Noise Level Limit
Image filter Highlight claming 1.75 (use high quality filtering.

Thanks again for any thoughts!

[Max] I need help! / Video Flickering
« on: 2019-10-30, 23:50:02 »
Hey Guys!

This is my first interior rendering with Corona and I have two issues I can't seem to resolve:

1) the shimmering light under the table.

2) The actual noise flickering through the rest of the image. - I haven't had this issue with exterior renders, and have no idea what is causing this issue.

I am running the render with 30 passes and high quality corona denouncing.

Please see attached video file.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated! :)



[Max] I need help! / Re: Camera Tilt Shift
« on: 2016-04-22, 03:21:38 »
Select the Camera Object in viewport, right click to show the Quad Menu and choose "Apply Camera Correction Modifier" (top, left quad)

Excellent, thank you very much, exactly what I was after!

I tried the other two methods also, cheers guys!

[Max] I need help! / Camera Tilt Shift
« on: 2016-04-21, 07:45:36 »
Hey Guys,

I've seem in some examples in this forum that people have been applying 'Tilt Shift' or correction to their camera through a Corona Camera Mod or something to that effect. But I cannot find that modifier in my list. Is there a special way to go about this? Or am I missing something obvious here?

Thanks for any advice in advance. This forum has been an excellent resource of information!



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