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Messages - Gwrath

Pages: [1]
[Max] General Discussion / Non Profit Licensing
« on: 2014-12-24, 19:44:40 »
I am just wondering if there will be any type of non profit licensing for the subscription based version and/or the pay once version? Also, will there be group discounts at all?

Thanks for the info.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Cinema 4D not responding
« on: 2014-11-18, 04:57:22 »
It turns out the issue is the towels. If I make the cloners render instances the scene loads fine, however if I convert the cloners to objects the scene takes 3-5 minutes to load into the renderer and becomes unresponsive. If I cancel the render it takes about a minute to cancel and also becomes unresponsive.

the towels as poly objects are around 1.5 million polys. Is this a limitation of the Alpha version or the cinema 4D plugin or corona its self? The internal cinema 4D renderer loads the towels in under a second.

Any thoughts or direction would be appreciated. I love corona, but need to be able to render well over 1.5 million polys.

I can't upload the new scene as it is to large. but the old scene can be used and just duplicate the towels to 24 ish copies.

Thanks for the help.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Cinema 4D not responding
« on: 2014-11-18, 02:03:18 »
I'll try rendering with my other plugins disabled and see if that makes a difference. As far as the bump and luminosity of the fabric, I just did a quick conversion and didn't fix all the textures once they converted.

My computer specs are amd 8350, 16GB ram, Samsung evo 250 and nvidia 760 on an msi MB.

[C4D] General Discussion / Cinema 4D not responding
« on: 2014-11-17, 04:13:39 »
I have just started testing out Corona and tried it on an old scene I made. When I start the render using the picture viewer, cinema 4D becomes unresponsive for about 1-2 minutes while the scene is loading into the renderer. It also becomes unresponsive for a few seconds when the render is canceled. Not sure if this is just a scene complexity thing or something wrong with my scene or a bug. A file is attached.

Should it take this long to load the scene for rendering?

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