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Messages - octopus

Pages: [1]
Illumination baking is a "must" feature for a renderer like Corona IMO (Render to texture). We are preparing Lightmaps in second UV channels of our meshes. Not just for interactive applications but also animations. So im just waiting stable Maya version and baking feature for licensing Corona.

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: release 0.26
« on: 2014-08-06, 14:24:20 »
Hi,it's good to see a new update. I've started with previous version and it was seem really premature like you said. It's good to hear that new version is supporting normal maps but I couldn't find normal or bumb map slot in corona material. And corona also seems not supports bump or normal maps with Maya's standart materials. How can we use normal maps?

Another issue that I realised is we can't assign different material to just portion of a mesh. You can assign different shader to faces of a model without seperate it. I dont really know if we should write to wish list or bug list.
I'll keep rendering and will post when have something nice.

sorry for my english.

It worked with "Visual C++ RP".  Thanks.
Do you have the extension apart from the SP4?
No. There is no Maya 2014 release on Autodesk official download page that entitled by "Extension" or something. They were released an Extension version for Maya2013 (aka 2013.5) as I remembered.

Is there anyone using corona with Maya SP4?
It gives me this error when activating the plugin:

"// Error: line 1: The specified module could not be found.
 (mayatocorona) // "

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