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Messages - MKopek

Pages: [1]
Learner’s Corner / Re: Lack realism/photorealism
« on: 2024-02-13, 13:53:49 »
Hi, thanks to everyone for the advice. I created a second visualization, this time of a coffee table. I designed the table myself in SolidWorks and imported it directly into 3ds Max. Unfortunately, due to a lack of time, I haven't experimented with adding dirt to the textures yet, and the scene is still quite simple. I'm working with pre-made models as I don't have time to create everything from scratch. What do you think? In my opinion, the background is at an acceptable level, but the foreground, specifically the table (and the rug, which has already been changed), seems to completely ruin the realism. I feel that the table looks very artificial, and I'm not sure if I can improve it without remodeling it (the table and the cabinet in the background are real products currently in production). Now, I also realize that I would definitely add a subtle roughness to the black legs and change the color of the rug. I also have a question: is there a simple way to add furniture edges to my finished table? The table is made of particleboard, and the lack of edges makes it look like it's made of HDF or a solid piece of wood (I have edges added in SolidWorks, but in 3ds, it's just a piece of board). Thanks again for all the advice; I'll try everything when I have a bit more time to watch tutorials on what you've mentioned. So far, my skills are limited to what I've learned in SolidWorks, discovered on my own, and learned from short tutorials during my week working with 3ds and Corona.

I am also attaching the latest version of my desk visualization. I changed the colors a bit and slightly redesigned it in SolidWorks.

Learner’s Corner / Re: Lack realism/photorealism
« on: 2024-02-09, 09:19:24 »
Hello again! Yesterday evening, I was working on my project. I changed the lights and some textures (including refining what I believe are the chair legs, folders, and made slight adjustments to the walls and brick texture). Due to time constraints, I haven't had a chance to add imperfections to the textures yet, but that will come later. I wanted to thank you for all the advice because, after a few tweaks, my render looks better in my opinion (LightMix is a very useful tool that I had no idea about just yesterday). However, I see that the lighting could still use some subtle improvements – it seems a bit too aggressive on the upper right part of the desk. Regarding the white color, it might be too white, but the desk is my own project created in SolidWorks, intended for production, and the white color was added according to the boss's preferences. I'm attaching the new version of the render; I've applied some of the corrections, but not all yet. If you have any new observations, I'd be happy to read them. Thanks!

Learner’s Corner / Re: Lack realism/photorealism
« on: 2024-02-08, 16:13:13 »
Thank you very much for the valuable tips, guys! I'll play around with and test the things you mentioned. As for textures, do you know any good online tutorials for manipulating textures? I'm interested in locally adding dirt or playing with the texture of flowers, for example, because since I switched to 3ds+Corona, when it comes to materials and textures, I feel like I'm "drowning" in a sea of possibilities and options, and it's like black magic to me (in my previous software, textures were limited to loading a map and two sliders - maybe that was the reason why that program was so weak).

Learner’s Corner / Lack realism/photorealism
« on: 2024-02-08, 09:45:02 »
Hello everyone. For about a month and a half, I've been learning 3D visualization for product rendering, primarily furniture. I used different software before, but despite various attempts and seeking advice from more experienced users, the results were not satisfying at all. However, last Saturday, I decided to start using 3ds Max along with the Corona Renderer. The effects were visible immediately, but I encountered a problem. My visualizations lack realism; there's something like a haze, not sharp and clean enough (?), and it just doesn't look like a photograph. What could I change, and what should I focus on? I'm using the Chaos library and free models and textures from the internet, mainly from 3dsky and Poliigon. I'm attaching my current render (white desk, blue walls, blue chair), a reference render that I found and would like to approach in terms of quality, and the render settings from Corona.

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