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Messages - khazuma

Pages: [1] 2
Hello Tom, thanks for explaining. I think I finally understand the structure of this script.

Thanks to you too, Alex!

Nice script! But it's a bit hard to understand how to use it...
Could you show me how to set it up to solve this problem?

Has this been happening since Corona 11? When I use the falloff that I previously used, I get the following error message during rendering:

"Falloff map in Fresnel mode is not supported in Base IOR slot.
Material with the problem: (Material_Name)"

Since I use it a lot, it's difficult to change them one by one, so I'm looking for a way to change them all at once.
Does anyone know how to do this?

I can't believe it was here all along.
I didn't notice that. Thanks, Tom!

Thank you, I've realized I need to learn more about the color spaces in 3ds Max and Photoshop.
Thanks, Tom and Piotrus.

I sometimes work on other tasks while rendering, and occasionally, 3ds Max crashes when rendering large scenes. It would be really handy if I could save in CXR format at regular intervals. That way, if 3ds Max crashes during rendering, I could resume from where it left off.

However, I don't know how to do this. Does anyone know how, or is there anyone familiar with a similar feature?

Thanks for the reply. I'm using EXR-IO to open it in Photoshop.

The colors in the image displayed in the VFB are different from those in the image saved as OpenEXR and viewed in Photoshop.
Does anyone know why this is happening? I'm using the AdobeRGB color profile on Windows, so the image displayed in the VFB is also in AdobeRGB.

I wasn't aware of the capability to read subdirectories. Thank you all.

However, I do find one aspect of the archive feature cumbersome: sometimes, after archiving, not all assets are collected, resulting in missing ones. There are no Missing Paths, and I use assets from three different drives: C, D, and network drives. Are there any precautions I should be aware of? I sometimes struggle with issues related to assets not being archived.

I didn't know it could be done that easily... I have a question: What's the difference between the "OK" and "Found" status in asset tracking?

I tried archiving a scene in 3ds Max 2024 using the "File", "Archive..." option to share it with others. However, when I open the archived scene, the texture paths aren't changed to those within the archive file. How do you guys manage to update them?

I know the method of using the Resource Collector to gather all texture files into one folder and then re-linking them using Relink Bitmaps. However, there's a downside to this approach when different images have the same file name. It ends up prioritizing one, which can be problematic if it's not the correct texture. But with 3ds Max's archive function, it retains the original texture path structure, so even if there are textures with the same name, their different structures make them distinguishable.

I'm thinking of just changing the prefix of the texture paths when archiving. Does anyone know how to do this...?

Thank you for you support.
I will use support ticket.

We are located in 2 different cities in Japan and i try to connect DR of the nodes that located in the other city, by using the option ( from file ), ( using text file that list the ip adress of the nodes that located in the other city). If am using a simple file, i can connect to all the nodes
but when i used bigger files, i cant connect to the nodes expect one node only. This is even though the rams and procesore are the same. May i know if there is a reason for that, and how to fix it if there is any?

i realized this , the working render node ( No1) , showing the ip address on the dr window, but the not working render node ( No2)showing N/A,
 is the the resonance?

i forgot to tell you that am using dr (from file) as the attachment.

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