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Messages - m4rk

Pages: [1]
[Archive] Alpha Builds / Re: Alpha v6 released
« on: 2014-03-18, 17:36:35 »
Hello Coronauts,
it has been a long time, but the final public build of Alpha v6 is ready! It reflects the last 9 months of development, and contain everything published in daily builds up to this point. You can read about the features, bugfixes, and improvements it brings here:

Done? Then download the build here!

The build again comes with a handy installer. You need to close all running 3dsmax instances to install it. If you prefer to copy it manually, you can choose "extract" option in the installer to get just the files. If you come across any kind of error, please report it in the bug reporting section of the forum.

If you are writing a news story for some CG servers, we have prepared a handy press-kit for you: Please do not hotlink the download link, use this link instead:

Enjoy and remember, rendering is magic!

Thank you so much for this release. Been waiting this for long time. Now finally arrive... God bless you guys for making this awesome plugin. I really appreciate what you did. A great respect to you guys. Once again! Thank you... ;)

[Archive] Alpha Builds / Re: Corona Alpha v5 released!
« on: 2014-02-12, 02:22:35 »
I'll put the plain archive with Corona files here so it does not confuse people in OP

PS: log the bugs to the appropriate section/mantis!

Hi Keymaster.
Thanks to share this great plugin.
This is my first post here. :)
Would that be possible to help me where to put this plain archive (Corona A5 manual) in max root directory?
I'm using Windows 7x64 bit with 3DS Max 2014.
Is it really needed to put in max root directory after installing Corona A5.exe? Please help...
I'm a newbie here please advise... THANKS!!!!

EDIT by Rawalanche. Reason: Annoying font.

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