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Attachments - NOOKTA

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Filename Downloads Message Posted
LightMix_empty Light select.c4d 122 LightMix with empty denoised Lightselect causes weird lighting issues 2019-11-14, 16:22:57
LightMix_empty Light select_denoised.jpg 222 LightMix with empty denoised Lightselect causes weird lighting issues 2019-11-14, 16:22:57
LightMix_empty Light select_denoised 2.jpg 234 LightMix with empty denoised Lightselect causes weird lighting issues 2019-11-14, 16:22:57
right click menu_node editor.jpg 595 Re: Node improvements | Additional Node Shaders 2019-10-22, 15:29:26
alt click drag_node editor.jpg 460 Re: Node improvements | Additional Node Shaders 2019-10-22, 15:29:26
new material_node editor.jpg 373 Re: Node improvements | Additional Node Shaders 2019-10-22, 15:29:26
layer transform_node editor.jpg 436 Re: Node improvements | Additional Node Shaders 2019-10-22, 15:29:26
layer shader.jpg 265 Re: I have a checkerboard floor texture I want to rotate 45 degrees and scale down10 2019-10-21, 17:11:41
texture transform cinema4d.jpg 308 Re: I have a checkerboard floor texture I want to rotate 45 degrees and scale down10 2019-10-21, 15:56:42
bloom and glare error.jpg 391 360 panorama - spherical rendering - bloom and glare 2019-10-14, 18:16:46
THUSANANG_Kugelpanorama Innenraum_v02_klein.jpg 287 360 panorama - spherical rendering - bloom and glare 2019-10-14, 18:16:46
frame 0.jpg 206 Team Render - Corona - saving multiple CXR 2019-07-30, 17:51:20
frame 1.jpg 232 Team Render - Corona - saving multiple CXR 2019-07-30, 17:51:20
picture viewer.jpg 249 Team Render - Corona - saving multiple CXR 2019-07-30, 17:51:20
Team Render_Corona_Test Scene.c4d 113 Team Render - Corona - saving multiple CXR 2019-07-30, 17:51:20
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