Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] General Discussion => Topic started by: JCdeBlok on 2015-09-18, 10:19:32

Title: ec2 economics vs license model
Post by: JCdeBlok on 2015-09-18, 10:19:32
See attached image..

The best bang/buck EC2 instance for CPU is ironically a GPU instance..  it's cost/performance = 0.42  while the most powerful 36 core machine is about 3 times as expensive at a 1.2 ratio.

Since corona is limited on node count I'm forced to pick the 36 core machine to render it quickly.  But if I would be able to launch 5x that amount of GPU instances it would take about the same amount of time but I would have to pay amazon only a 1/3 of the price.

I'm not asking to change the pricing model right away but when you guys are rethinking pricing options please take this into account :)

edit:  'ECU' in the screenshot below is the relative CPU performance index of an instance type.