Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] General Discussion => Topic started by: kahein on 2015-06-09, 10:33:36

Title: DR with Backburner
Post by: kahein on 2015-06-09, 10:33:36
Where are we on that issue ?
Title: Re: DR with Backburner
Post by: maru on 2015-06-09, 11:04:04
Currently this is the official answer:

Corona's DR - it is only capable of rendering one single frame across multiple computers
Backburner - you may use all it's features - rendering different frames per-PC, rendering time segments, rendering strips to save memory, etc

What issue do you mean specifically?
Title: Re: DR with Backburner
Post by: fobus on 2015-06-09, 14:32:32
It was unable to use DR if you sending backburner job. I think it is a point.
Title: Re: DR with Backburner
Post by: kahein on 2015-06-09, 14:43:56
ok for me, all the BackBurner features works well.
I mean send an image through BB and use DR on that image.
I've made some tests and it seems the job launch well, i can see the VFB on the node I've  selected and I can see all the nodes in the DR Tab.
But the max sample doesn't change, it take the same amount of time and passes than if i render the same pic only on one machine without using DR.
My question is :
Can  I sent an image to be render in distributed via Backburner. Or it is much faster or simpler to strip that image ?
Title: Re: DR with Backburner
Post by: kahein on 2015-06-09, 14:44:16
It was unable to use DR if you sending backburner job. I think it is a point.
