Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Bug Reporting => [Max] Resolved Bugs => Topic started by: dec13els on 2015-03-10, 11:14:27

Title: 1.00.02 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: dec13els on 2015-03-10, 11:14:27
Hi, first of all, thank you for this great renderer !

I try to test the DR but I can not start a calculation on the nodes (9 nodes and all the same problem).
Tested on a simple stage with a flat and teapots.

her my DrLog on the node :
2015-03-10/10:49:42   DR server started
2015-03-10/10:49:42   Starting UDP socket, local hostname: RENDER-08
2015-03-10/10:49:42   Running Corona DrServer build Feb 26 2015 on ports UDP19666, TCP19668, loopback TCP19667
2015-03-10/10:49:42   Available 3dsmax versions:
2015-03-10/10:49:42   2013: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2013/
2015-03-10/10:55:21   Got discovery ping
2015-03-10/10:55:21   Replying to discovery ping from POSTE-01
2015-03-10/10:55:33   Accepted remote connection from POSTE-01
2015-03-10/10:55:33   Handshake: <CoronaDrRemote>    <HandshakeInit>init</HandshakeInit>    <FrameName>0</FrameName>    <HostVersion>Max2013</HostVersion>    <CameraName>VRayCam001</CameraName> </CoronaDrRemote> 
2015-03-10/10:55:33   Downloading 3ds max 2013 scene to render with 3ds max 2013
2015-03-10/10:55:33   Downloaded scene: 262,144 bytes in 0 s
2015-03-10/10:55:33   Running command:
echo Starting 3ds max DR... && "C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2013/3dsmaxcmd.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//received_scene_197888252.max" -o:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//dr_out.png" -start:0 -end:0 -continueOnError -gammaCorrection:1 -rfw:1 -sf -v:5  -camera: "VRayCam001"  >> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//MaxLog.txt"
2015-03-10/10:55:36   3ds max is online after 2 seconds
2015-03-10/10:55:36   DR is running
2015-03-10/10:56:02   DR is finished
2015-03-10/10:56:02   Closed loopback connection

2015-03-10/10:56:02   Ready for new connection

her my MaxLog on the node :
10/03/2015 10:55:33;  Parsing scene: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//received_scene_197888252.max"
10/03/2015 10:55:33;  Obselete File Format detected.
Please resave this file using the latest version of scene. 
Error parsing Max file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer\drData\\received_scene_197888252.max"
10/03/2015 10:55:33;  1 frames initialized
10/03/2015 10:55:33; 
Max install location: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\
10/03/2015 10:55:33;  Max file being rendered: C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//received_scene_197888252.max
10/03/2015 10:55:33;  Renderer:
10/03/2015 10:55:49;  [V-Ray] ============================================================
10/03/2015 10:55:49;  [V-Ray] Console created, V-Ray A for x64 from Jan 11 2015, 07:01:19
10/03/2015 10:55:49;  [V-Ray] ============================================================
10/03/2015 10:55:49;  [V-Ray] Compiled with Intel C++ compiler, version 14
10/03/2015 10:55:49;  [V-Ray] Host is 3dsmax, version 15
10/03/2015 10:55:49;  [V-Ray] V-Ray DLL version is 3.10.03
10/03/2015 10:55:52;  Max is ready
10/03/2015 10:55:52;  Frame 0 assigned
10/03/2015 10:55:52;  Error creating Bitmap
10/03/2015 10:55:52;  Render Error (Initializing Renderer)
10/03/2015 10:55:52;  Error rendering frame 0: Render Error (Initializing Renderer)
10/03/2015 10:55:52;  Send End of Job command to Max
10/03/2015 10:55:53;  Job Completed with Error(s) - see above
10/03/2015 10:55:53;  Total elapsed time 00:00:01
10/03/2015 10:56:01;  Error occured while rendering job.

Do you have an idea where have the problem ?
Title: Re: 1.0 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: Ondra on 2015-03-10, 13:07:47
The line where it went wrong is probably this:

Code: [Select]
10/03/2015 10:55:52;  Error creating Bitmap
It may be related to the 3dsmax "Error creating bitmap" problem with render elements.

Do you have some render elements active? Can you make sure they do not have output paths selected? Also do you have output path for your beauty pass selected?
Title: Re: 1.0 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: dec13els on 2015-03-10, 14:57:52
Thanks Ondra for your help,

I don't have any render elements in the renderer settings, DR nodes do not work with network output path, and without set path too.

The render works fine only with the workstation.
Title: Re: 1.0 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: maru on 2015-03-10, 15:19:28
Is this scene you are rendering very big? Very high resolution? Or displacement used? Could it be taking lots of RAM?
Title: Re: 1.0 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: dec13els on 2015-03-10, 15:24:38
Tanks Maru,

Not, the max scene are very simple, a plane a teapot without any map, juste for testing the DR.
for information, demo licence is activated on master and node.
Title: Re: 1.0 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: maru on 2015-03-10, 15:37:00
Sorry but I can only have some random guesses now:

-have you tried any of the solutions from helpdesk?

-are you using the same version of 3ds Max, Backburner, Corona and DrServer on all computers taking part in DR?

-if it is possible, can you run 3ds Max and perform successful local rendering on each of the render nodes?

-do you have all Windows and 3ds Max updates installed? (service packs)
Title: Re: 1.0 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: dec13els on 2015-03-10, 16:11:41
-have you tried any of the solutions from helpdesk?

Yes, with and without backburner on the nodes (port server tcp 19668 and manager on 19667 - firewall disabled on master, no firewall on nodes )
manager is running on master

-are you using the same version of 3ds Max, Backburner, Corona and DrServer on all computers taking part in DR?

Yes of course, DRServer is running as admin

-if it is possible, can you run 3ds Max and perform successful local rendering on each of the render nodes?

The render works fine

-do you have all Windows and 3ds Max updates installed? (service packs)

Yes too, 3dsmax Update 6 on node

Title: Re: 1.0 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: maru on 2015-03-10, 16:22:05
-Are you using some plugins in this scene? For example some vray objects/materials or multitexture? I know you already said it's a simple scene with teapot and plane but just making sure.

-Have you tried using the newest version of DrServer? ( - just replace the old .exe on all pcs)
Title: Re: 1.0 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: dec13els on 2015-03-10, 17:03:41
Yes Maru, no plugin, no proxy, juste a corona sun, a plane and a teapot, corona mlt standard on all object.

I'have just make a test with your DrServer file and same probleme : Failed - 0 pass on the 2 node running
Title: Re: 1.0 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: dec13els on 2015-03-11, 10:50:24
Demo it has limits with DR compared to the FairSaaS or Box version ?

I think I have explored all the posibilities :
windows update
administrator rights
disabled firewall
same 3dsmax an Corona version
DR test with & without render output
simple scene, no map, no proxy, no plug & script

With DR only :
DrCorona node starts and then closes the max session after a few seconds.

With DR + Backburner on node (and manager on master) :
Corona stop the node immediatly with a FAILED (on master)
On backburner server, put an error: ERR Unknow command ( 726F433C ) from IP Master
On backburner manager, nothing special
Title: Re: 1.0 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: dec13els on 2015-03-11, 14:59:27
I have found a solution, a binding solution..

with batch rendering job and backburner, the nodes works only with splits render sequences.

I only get around the problem, DR rendering on the master don't work.
Or so I have to install the DrServer on the master, but it is absurd X)
Title: Re: 1.00.02 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: dec13els on 2015-03-19, 12:01:42
Hi all,

I just update to the .02 and my problem is still there
I noticed that I did not have .max and .png file in the drData directory, as if the access was blocked.
This does not happen with the Alpha 7 version

Have you an idea of the problem Ondra ?

File in drData directory :

DrLog :
Code: [Select]
2015-03-19/11:39:31   DR server started
2015-03-19/11:39:31   Cannot read the config file, default one will be created
2015-03-19/11:39:31   Creating default DrConfig-1.00.txt: found 1 3ds max versions
2015-03-19/11:39:31   Starting UDP socket, local hostname: Render-07
2015-03-19/11:39:31   Running Corona DrServer build Mar 16 2015 on ports UDP19666, TCP19668, loopback TCP19667
2015-03-19/11:39:31   Available 3dsmax versions:
2015-03-19/11:39:31   2013: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2013/
2015-03-19/11:39:42   Got discovery ping
2015-03-19/11:39:42   Replying to discovery ping from POSTE-01
2015-03-19/11:39:46   Accepted remote connection from POSTE-01
2015-03-19/11:39:46   Handshake: <CoronaDrRemote> <HandshakeInit>init</HandshakeInit> <FrameName>0</FrameName> <HostVersion>Max2013</HostVersion> <CameraName>VRayCam001</CameraName> </CoronaDrRemote> 
2015-03-19/11:39:46   Downloading 3ds max 2013 scene to render with 3ds max 2013
2015-03-19/11:39:46   Downloaded scene: 1,069,056 bytes in 0 s
2015-03-19/11:39:46   Running command:
echo Starting 3ds max DR... && "C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2013/3dsmaxcmd.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//received_scene_3705142309.max" -o:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//dr_out.png" -frames:0 -continueOnError -gammaCorrection:1 -rfw:1 -sf -v:5  -camera: "VRayCam001"  >> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//MaxLog.txt"
2015-03-19/11:39:49   3ds max is online after 2 seconds
2015-03-19/11:39:49   DR is running
2015-03-19/11:40:11   DR is finished
2015-03-19/11:40:11   Closed loopback connection

2015-03-19/11:40:11   Ready for new connection

MaxLog :
Code: [Select]
19/03/2015 11:39:46;  Parsing scene: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//received_scene_3705142309.max"
19/03/2015 11:39:46;  Obselete File Format detected.
Please resave this file using the latest version of scene. 
Error parsing Max file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer\drData\\received_scene_3705142309.max"
19/03/2015 11:39:46;  1 frames initialized
19/03/2015 11:39:46; 
Max install location: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\
19/03/2015 11:39:46;  Max file being rendered: C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//received_scene_3705142309.max
19/03/2015 11:39:46;  Renderer:
19/03/2015 11:39:56;  [V-Ray] ============================================================
19/03/2015 11:39:56;  [V-Ray] Console created, V-Ray A for x64 from Jan 11 2015, 07:01:19
19/03/2015 11:39:56;  [V-Ray] ============================================================
19/03/2015 11:39:56;  [V-Ray] Compiled with Intel C++ compiler, version 14
19/03/2015 11:39:56;  [V-Ray] Host is 3dsmax, version 15
19/03/2015 11:39:56;  [V-Ray] V-Ray DLL version is 3.10.03
19/03/2015 11:40:00;  Max is ready
19/03/2015 11:40:00;  Frame 0 assigned
19/03/2015 11:40:00;  Error creating Bitmap
19/03/2015 11:40:00;  Render Error (Initializing Renderer)
19/03/2015 11:40:00;  Error rendering frame 0: Render Error (Initializing Renderer)
19/03/2015 11:40:00;  Send End of Job command to Max
19/03/2015 11:40:01;  Job Completed with Error(s) - see above
19/03/2015 11:40:01;  Total elapsed time 00:00:01
19/03/2015 11:40:09;  Error occured while rendering job.
Title: Re: 1.00.02 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: Ondra on 2015-03-24, 17:10:45
can you update DR server and corona on all machines to the latest daily and try again? There were some fixes related to your problem. You will find them here: - folders "2015-03-24". Instructions:,7239.0.html
Title: Re: 1.00.02 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: dec13els on 2015-03-26, 08:39:18
Sorry Ondra,

I always seem the same error message despite this update :

Code: [Select]
2015-03-26/08:13:20   DR server started
2015-03-26/08:13:20   Cannot read the config file, default one will be created
2015-03-26/08:13:20   Creating default DrConfig-1.00.txt: found 1 3ds max versions
2015-03-26/08:13:20   Starting UDP socket, local hostname: Render-07
2015-03-26/08:13:20   Running Corona DrServer build Mar 24 2015 on ports UDP19666, TCP19668, loopback TCP19667
2015-03-26/08:13:20   Available 3dsmax versions:
2015-03-26/08:13:20   2013: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2013/
2015-03-26/08:13:29   Got discovery ping
2015-03-26/08:13:29   Replying to discovery ping from POSTE-01
2015-03-26/08:13:34   Accepted remote connection from POSTE-01
2015-03-26/08:13:34   Handshake: <CoronaDrRemote> <HandshakeInit>init</HandshakeInit> <FrameName>0</FrameName> <HostVersion>Max2013</HostVersion> <CameraName>VRayCam001</CameraName> </CoronaDrRemote> 
2015-03-26/08:13:34   Downloading 3ds max 2013 scene to render with 3ds max 2013
2015-03-26/08:13:34   Downloaded scene: 1,064,960 bytes in 0 s
2015-03-26/08:13:34   Running command:
echo Starting 3ds max DR... && "C:/Program Files/Autodesk/3ds Max 2013/3dsmaxcmd.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//received_scene_4027433928.max" -o:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//dr_out.png" -frames:0 -continueOnError -gammaCorrection:1 -rfw:1 -sf -v:5  -camera: "VRayCam001"  >> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//MaxLog.txt"
2015-03-26/08:13:38   3ds max is online after 3 seconds
2015-03-26/08:13:38   DR is running
2015-03-26/08:14:00   DR is finished
2015-03-26/08:14:00   Closed loopback connection

2015-03-26/08:14:00   Ready for new connection

Code: [Select]
26/03/2015 08:13:35;  Parsing scene: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//received_scene_4027433928.max"
26/03/2015 08:13:35;  Obselete File Format detected.
Please resave this file using the latest version of scene. 
Error parsing Max file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer\drData\\received_scene_4027433928.max"
26/03/2015 08:13:35;  1 frames initialized
26/03/2015 08:13:35; 
Max install location: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2013\
26/03/2015 08:13:35;  Max file being rendered: C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//received_scene_4027433928.max
26/03/2015 08:13:35;  Renderer:
26/03/2015 08:13:45;  [V-Ray] ============================================================
26/03/2015 08:13:45;  [V-Ray] Console created, V-Ray A for x64 from Jan 11 2015, 07:01:19
26/03/2015 08:13:45;  [V-Ray] ============================================================
26/03/2015 08:13:45;  [V-Ray] Compiled with Intel C++ compiler, version 14
26/03/2015 08:13:45;  [V-Ray] Host is 3dsmax, version 15
26/03/2015 08:13:45;  [V-Ray] V-Ray DLL version is 3.10.03
26/03/2015 08:13:49;  Max is ready
26/03/2015 08:13:49;  Frame 0 assigned
26/03/2015 08:13:50;  Error creating Bitmap
26/03/2015 08:13:50;  Render Error (Initializing Renderer)
26/03/2015 08:13:50;  Error rendering frame 0: Render Error (Initializing Renderer)
26/03/2015 08:13:50;  Send End of Job command to Max
26/03/2015 08:13:50;  Job Completed with Error(s) - see above
26/03/2015 08:13:50;  Total elapsed time 00:00:01
26/03/2015 08:13:58;  Error occured while rendering job.

No PNG and no MAX in the drData folder.
Title: Re: 1.00.02 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: Ondra on 2015-03-26, 11:23:09
ok, now this is interesting:

26/03/2015 08:13:35;  Obselete File Format detected.
Please resave this file using the latest version of scene. 
Error parsing Max file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer\drData\\received_scene_4027433928.max"

I will put in more security checks and test what could trigger this message. The log says you use 3ds max 2013 on all machines (slave and master), is that true?
Title: Re: 1.00.02 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: dec13els on 2015-03-26, 11:26:10
Yes Ondra, same 3dsmax (2013 hotfix 6) on all machine.
Title: Re: 1.00.02 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: Ondra on 2015-03-26, 11:32:53
ok, I will make an update and get back to you in a couple of days
Title: Re: 1.00.02 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: dec13els on 2015-03-26, 11:38:34
Thanks Ondra for your help :)

I have about fifteen days before the end of the demo, before purchasing a license I would really like to know if I could use my nodes ^^
Title: Re: 1.00.02 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: seiq on 2015-12-28, 23:46:28
This is weird I am having the same problem as above, and last week everything was working fine? My V-Ray is DR fine...

29/12/2015 00:05:56;  CORONA: Corona is up and running. Corona version: 1.3, netrender mode: on, slave mode: on, quiet mode: on, Max gamma (display/input/output): 2.2/2.2/2.2
29/12/2015 00:06:45;  Max is ready
29/12/2015 00:06:45;  Frame 0 assigned
29/12/2015 00:06:45;  Error creating Bitmap
29/12/2015 00:06:45;  Render Error (Initializing Renderer)
29/12/2015 00:06:45;  Error rendering frame 0: Render Error (Initializing Renderer)
29/12/2015 00:06:45;  Send End of Job command to Max
29/12/2015 00:06:46;  Job Completed with Error(s) - see above
29/12/2015 00:06:46;  Total elapsed time 00:00:01
29/12/2015 00:06:46;  Scene C:\Program Files (x86)\Corona\DrServer/drData//received_scene_3593816877.max completed.
29/12/2015 00:06:56;  Error occured while rendering job.


After half a day narrowing the errors I found out that the main machine was causing the error not the DR/Slaves Machines for some reason. I just removed all the 3ds Max settings and it worked:

1 - Close 3Ds Max
2 - Go to C:\Users\[YourName]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2016 - 64bit
3 - Delete ENU folder
4 - Restart 3Ds Max


So after testing with small scenes DR worked fine but after going back to my existing large scene the same thing happened again.

The thing is when I go back to my small test scene DR wont work now. same error as above. Even new scene with a box only.

So my guess would be 3Ds Max Settings and then woala:

It was because of one small tick in the settings

Preference Settings --> Files ---> Save File Properties ( This need to be ticked )

If I un-tick it the Slaves crash but If I have it ticked everything works fine.

Hope this will help someone in the future :)
Title: Re: 1.00.02 DR - Error creating Bitmap
Post by: Monkeybrother on 2016-10-04, 11:30:56
Hope this will help someone in the future :)

It did, thanks. Necro-bumping this if someone needs it.