Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D => [C4D] I need help! => Topic started by: Atlantis on 2025-01-23, 11:52:50

Title: I can't "Update Your Chaos Licensing Server by January 28"
Post by: Atlantis on 2025-01-23, 11:52:50
I can't update. There is always this message:

"close cbservice.bin"

Title: Re: I can't "Update Your Chaos Licensing Server by January 28"
Post by: TomG on 2025-01-23, 16:36:07
Sorry to hear you've run into some problems. Be sure to check the detailed instructions on - there is a step on "Removing Older Versions" that very few people will ever need to do, but if you are finding yourself unable to update the License Server normally, do follow those steps and see if that resolves it for you. If you are still stuck, then the last resort is to open a ticket at for support in your specific situation.
Title: Re: I can't "Update Your Chaos Licensing Server by January 28"
Post by: ASIMO on 2025-01-24, 13:35:03
I can't update. There is always this message:

"close cbservice.bin"


I had the same issue ! Be aware of the following steps.

Go to system preferences and "Login Objects" – In german "Anmeldeobjekte".

There you see CHAOS SOFTWARE OOD. Uncheck. Then the installer should work. (Which is very strange why this is necessary at all)

The problem is, you might not be able to login to the license server after. So remind yourself to check it again.

For me it worked, besides that Corona 12 Update 1 (Hotfix1) does not perform well on my system. Crashes all the time.

Best – A
Title: Re: I can't "Update Your Chaos Licensing Server by January 28"
Post by: Atlantis on 2025-01-30, 13:16:13
Thanks Asimo, sorry for my late reply. I was frustrated with the constant issues with Chaos/Corona and in the middle of wrapping up a project. That's why I didn’t want to risk anything and didn’t take any further action. I just tried to be finished with it before the 28th.
Now my license seems to still be working, so all the warnings were pointless and just made one unnecessarily nervous.