Chaos Corona Forum
General Category => Gallery => Topic started by: Helldoor on 2025-01-08, 15:14:50
Hey there folks,
it's been a long time since I last shared something in this gallery, but this one is definitely worth talking about.
What you see on the images below is a reproduction of the "Light Walls House" by mA-stlye architects, situated in Japan. Some of the scenes are direct recreations of Kai Nakamura's photos, a lot of them however are my own takes.
The main reasons for me to reproduce this wonderful piece of architecture were:
a) to experiment with indirect natural illumination (which is pretty tricky to achieve in real life, let alone on renders) and
b) to create a scene that I can give to the community I am a mentor of - the Chaos Campus Facebook group (http://"") - for training purposes.
In order to be able to provide the whole scene - the way you see it on the renders - I have used only Chaos Cosmos materials and assets (apart from the Quixel exterior, which will be removed for the shared file).
The scene will soon be available for Max + Corona, Max + Corona - Adapted for Vantage Live Link and Max + V-Ray. There will most likely also be an FBX and a vrscene available.
Also, I gotta say that despite the tricky illumination, Corona did an outstanding job with the bounces and light scattering, resulting in some really nice looking shots.
I hope you enjoy the final outcome.
Rock on and keep it real.istic!
Hey folks,
today the full scene (inch. textures and assets, but without the Quixel surroundings on the exterior shots) will be shared in the Chaos Campus Facebook Community for everybody to download and experiment / play around with.
The first versions available will be for Max + Corona & Max + Corona - adapted for Vantage Live-Link .
A standalone Vantage version, Max + V-Ray and vrscene will be added in near future, too.
So, gladly join the official international Chaos Community online and get your copy of the scene anytime you want.
Just dropping in to this thread to say a big "Thank you!" for making this scene available, and of course for everything else that you do for the community :)
Hey Tom, appreciate it a lot! Working on the scene was a real pleasure and this is mostly because of the awesomeness of Corona, that managed to deliver incredible results out of the box, despite the really difficult lighting scenario. So thanks back to you and the all the talented people around you!
Thanks a lot for sharing these great images and model.
I am a Cinema4D user and hope to see the FBX as well. I think there is a plugin for Max to export to C4D.
I don't have Max though (Mac user).
Cheers Francois
Hey Francois, just saw your comment. I haven't heard about that plugin, but I'll gladly try it out.
The Corona & Corona+Vantage models are already uploded. The rest is soon to be added, too, so keep an eye on it.
All the best,
Thanks Teo,
hope the plugin work out. Anyhow, fbx would be great too.
Hey Francois,
the FBX-file is online.
Thanks Teo,
I have joined the Chaos Camus Facebook group and waiting for approval. I will have a look at the model when I am allowed in.
Looking forward.
Amazing work !
I was looking for some errors, but you managed to prevent all "noob-traps"...
I did found something, funny : in the kitchen, you put some mugs hanging on a mug-display (don't know the name in english), and the one that is facing the camera is dirty inside... Probably some mesh found online that was meant to be dirty for another purpose...
Anyway, this is a piece of art rendering !
thank you very much! love the scene, hc + aces its a nice result!
Thank you all for the kinds words - glad you like the render session.
Btw, now all promised file formats are available to download from the link in the group.
So, if you want to experiment - you are more than welcome to.
It's a really nice foundation for learning, trust me: