Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] I need help! => Topic started by: shortcirkuit on 2024-04-09, 01:25:39

Title: any tool to diagnose why IR is taking long
Post by: shortcirkuit on 2024-04-09, 01:25:39
Hi guys

I have a scene which isnt HUGE, but a decent size.  7 or so forest packs, railclone roofs.  WHen i do IR, it just seems to take forever.  I have a ryzen 5995wx with 256gb ram so theres plenty of power there, just not sure if theres a tool or something in corona to help diagnose where the bottleneck is?
Title: Re: any tool to diagnose why IR is taking long
Post by: RecentSpacesSam on 2024-04-09, 10:19:52
It doesn't exactly help with parsing information but under Performance\Development Experimental there's the "Show Memory Report" which will at least tell you which objects are using the most RAM.

I sort of requested this in the past on this thread: (

Hopefully something will come of it!
Title: Re: any tool to diagnose why IR is taking long
Post by: shortcirkuit on 2024-04-10, 02:58:24
Thanks so much mate - i hope Corona could help with a better diagnostic to help[ assist with whats causing bottle necks
Title: Re: any tool to diagnose why IR is taking long
Post by: Nejc Kilar on 2024-04-10, 09:43:47
I personally like the idea because especially in arch-viz scenes can get rather large which obviously has an effect on parsing times.

That said typically what increases scene parsing times is just loads and loads of geometry. It does help a ton of its instanced but even then it, from my understanding at least, isn't trivial to place all the geo in places. I would assume that if you turn a couple of those heaviest forest packs off things will get speedier but I already know you know that so this is kind of useless advice probably :)

If I may I'd suggest a +1 on RecentSpacesSam's feature suggestion thread there. That way we can keep better track of how many people are interested in this particular feature.
Title: Re: any tool to diagnose why IR is taking long
Post by: shortcirkuit on 2024-04-12, 01:33:33
i think we get to a point in our career where we know Max/Corona very well and diagnosing issues.... a tool like this would be awesome!  even to optimise a scene and be well prepared for 3ds max scenes

I personally like the idea because especially in arch-viz scenes can get rather large which obviously has an effect on parsing times.

That said typically what increases scene parsing times is just loads and loads of geometry. It does help a ton of its instanced but even then it, from my understanding at least, isn't trivial to place all the geo in places. I would assume that if you turn a couple of those heaviest forest packs off things will get speedier but I already know you know that so this is kind of useless advice probably :)

If I may I'd suggest a +1 on RecentSpacesSam's feature suggestion thread there. That way we can keep better track of how many people are interested in this particular feature.
Title: Re: any tool to diagnose why IR is taking long
Post by: maru on 2024-04-12, 10:27:00
We have a similar task logged.

(Report ID=CMAX-915)