Chaos Corona Forum

Official Stuff => News => Topic started by: Ondra on 2014-06-18, 20:57:16

Title: New VFB skinning
Post by: Ondra on 2014-06-18, 20:57:16

design by rawalanche. Icons will probably change too.

Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: maru on 2014-06-18, 21:41:22
my little note would be "time" instead of "times"
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: lacilaci on 2014-06-18, 22:08:53
my little note would be "time" instead of "times"

Yep.. I think it would be better. Other than that seems good... Actually I have a small, maybe stupid question.. Those buttons on screenshot illustrate how they look when pressed right? Cause to me it appears as if they are being all pressed/clicked on..
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: lacilaci on 2014-06-18, 22:38:34
Ah I see it now.. The framing on the buttons seems quite a bit agressive especially on the light theme in max.. just draws too much attention and as well it looks as if those buttons are pressed.. But I don't know, maybe it's just me.. My suggestion would be, loose the framing completely and reveal it if cursor hovers over the button..
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Siahpoosh on 2014-06-19, 05:36:22
i think it would be nice if you move sidebar from right to bottom , because most of the images are rendered at wide aspect . and also its will be cool if you add an hide/show button for that.
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: ecximer on 2014-06-19, 08:35:01
Why the main color is blue?
As for me, so you can stick 255-205-0 :-)
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: lacilaci on 2014-06-19, 09:36:52
i think it would be nice if you move sidebar from right to bottom , because most of the images are rendered at wide aspect . and also its will be cool if you add an hide/show button for that.

When you click on "tools" you will hide/unhide the sidebar. I wouldn't move it to bottom cause there is lots of info that might be hardly readable horizontaly and also colormapping controls would be harder to use.. MR has bottom panel for some controls on the vfb and it sucks imho.
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: romullus on 2014-06-19, 10:04:03
What i miss in Corona's vfb, is this or similar funcionality:


It would be nice to know if it'll happen someday.

p.s. don't ditch blue accents from vfb, i like it very much :]
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Ludvik Koutny on 2014-06-19, 11:18:11
This is the concept we are getting VFB to look like.

Buttons are in their idle state. They are not supposed to look like Win 95 beveled buttons, but at the same height as surface around, with some sort of space around them.

When you hover over them, the space around them turns blue to imply as if there were blue LEDs under the button and glowing through that space around it. Although it's just a line, not full glow effect, to not look too fancy.
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Siahpoosh on 2014-06-19, 13:20:56
maybe another shortage in VFB is render history with an comparison tool (like nuke) to see differences between current render and previous renders .

Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: crazyman on 2014-06-19, 13:32:38
Actually VFB history will be very useful feature. Comparison in worst case scenario is achievable through RAM player, but having all in one place will work a way better. I believe VRay VFB has it done that way.
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Alessandro on 2014-06-19, 14:21:33
My 2 cents:
+1 for VFB history
+1 for render region adjustable in VFB

Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: nehale on 2014-06-19, 14:37:30
maybe another shortage in VFB is render history with an comparison tool (like nuke) to see differences between current render and previous renders .


Man this looks sexy! +1
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: xt13r on 2014-06-19, 14:41:09
+1000000 to render history inside corona VFB!
Like Nehale's variant. Very good variant btw, really like it
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Ludvik Koutny on 2014-06-19, 15:27:36
Render history is planned, as well as render region and other features.

But please, keep in mind this thread is related just to VFB look, not features.
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Captain Obvious on 2014-06-19, 15:36:23
maybe another shortage in VFB is render history with an comparison tool (like nuke) to see differences between current render and previous renders .

Looks almost exactly like the MODO render window. Not a bad thing though.
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Ondra on 2014-06-19, 15:41:39
Captain Obvious: yep, people love suggesting clones ;). I dont count anymore how many times I've gotten the vray composite material screenshot with vray logo swapped with corona as a feature request :D
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: nehale on 2014-06-19, 15:50:33
Here is my look mock up

EDIT: didn't refresh to see the no new features comment sorry :)
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Siahpoosh on 2014-06-19, 16:37:18
i think Modo render window is the best until now . also there is a lot of things in Modo (even in Corona) which are similar to other softwares .
EDIT : for example , channels dropdown in Corona VFB is exactly like vRay VFB .
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: protocol on 2014-06-19, 16:53:43
Hi everyone, why not making the tool tabs (and others features, like history and so on) detachable ?
this could be very handy for mutli monitors.

Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Ondra on 2014-06-19, 17:20:41
EDIT : for example , channels dropdown in Corona VFB is exactly like vRay VFB .

Actually in older 3dsmax versions there was exactly the same window directly in max VFB, but they decided to remove it for some reason. It was the reason why I did own VFB in the first place.
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: mirokurcik on 2014-06-19, 17:40:55
Just one, not important, thing: Passes total is such a "basic" unit in Corona, it would be possible to have the window title, as well as zoom?
or as a large number, somewhere.
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: maru on 2014-06-19, 19:06:24
If it's the latest in Jun 18 2014 21:45:36, then VFB ui looks really bad when using "light" ui in 3ds max (2014). There are dark borders everywhere. On the other hand, I'm not sure if anyone but me uses the light interface any more. :)
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Ludvik Koutny on 2014-06-19, 19:41:30
If it's the latest in Jun 18 2014 21:45:36, then VFB ui looks really bad when using "light" ui in 3ds max (2014). There are dark borders everywhere. On the other hand, I'm not sure if anyone but me uses the light interface any more. :)

That's a bug. New VFB UI look won't derive background color from 3ds Max UI anymore.
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Siahpoosh on 2014-06-20, 01:20:16
EDIT : for example , channels dropdown in Corona VFB is exactly like vRay VFB .

Actually in older 3dsmax versions there was exactly the same window directly in max VFB, but they decided to remove it for some reason. It was the reason why I did own VFB in the first place.
you did a good job , i think this is very important thing for any render engine . also with VFB you will have a same UI for all 3d softwares. the only problem is Corona UI looks very similar to 3dsmax style and 3dsmax style is too old .
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: antanas on 2014-06-20, 23:34:27
 Hmmm I like the new icons, yet I would rather condense/make them smaller and remove text from them replacing it with some tooltips like those found in the main ui .
The reason I would do that:

 for one - new icons themselves are quite self explanatory and imho constant text explanation is not that necessary.

 for two - that would keep interface nice, less cluttered and more modern looking cause the text due to it's length and unavoidable font variations "jumps" quite dramatically and that' not too good or modern looking I think.

 for three - well that would free some now extinct space for future features such as, render history button, some render history A/B slider comparison button, render region button :), some render selected object only mode/render mask (hope that's planned) button  and maybe some Lut loading, adjustment curves, etc buttons, plus maybe even dump vfb/resume buttons which would be welcome there too

 And I would probably try to do those buttons flat and icons of some dimmer color (or somewhat shadowed) changing their color value to brighter/more colorful only then pressed or then mouse hovers over them for sleekness and stylishness reasons :)

Hope that helps somehow :)
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Chakib on 2014-06-21, 01:17:29
I like the new skinning, but like you said button must change for something more "curved" like in modo.
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: maru on 2014-06-21, 11:04:42
In  Jun 21 2014 00:12:53 there are still black borders around buttons in light ui (but there was no info about fixing it, right?).
I think the icons on the buttons could be a little smaller (no touching button borders).
And maybe it is not a bad idea to somehow highlight the categories (time/scene etc), for example with colours or bolding.
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Ludvik Koutny on 2014-06-21, 11:39:23
Still not finished. Icons will be replaced, hover effect will be fixed, and UI color won't be derived from Max UI scheme anymore.
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: romullus on 2014-06-21, 11:45:52
Still not finished. Icons will be replaced, hover effect will be fixed, and UI color won't be derived from Max UI scheme anymore.

Oh crap, i recorded video, uploaded it to YT, and was ready to start my complaint about buttons highlighting inconsistency... just to find that? Arrrgh! :]
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: peterguthrie on 2014-06-30, 11:29:18
something that would be useful would be to make it easy to zoom in and out (and reset zoom) while logged in remotely.

If it can be done somehow without making the UI look ugly then a plus and minus button somewhere would be really handy as would a way of returning to 100%, like double click on the render.
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: tomislavn on 2014-07-14, 12:02:19
something that would be useful would be to make it easy to zoom in and out (and reset zoom) while logged in remotely.

If it can be done somehow without making the UI look ugly then a plus and minus button somewhere would be really handy as would a way of returning to 100%, like double click on the render.

+1 :)
Title: Re: New VFB skinning
Post by: Midge on 2014-08-19, 23:19:38
One other thing.

Up until A6 the maximised (fullscreen) VFB window was borderless.
So on a 1920x1200 display I could view full HD frames in all their glory.

Now with A7 it still has border when maximised, resulting in a scrollbar at the bottom.
Is there a specific reason for the window border? It just feels like a step back for me.