Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Feature Requests => Topic started by: tatarka on 2024-01-02, 13:32:16

Title: Custom shape render region
Post by: tatarka on 2024-01-02, 13:32:16
It would be useful to have the option to choose the shape of the render region. Similar tool as in photoshop: polygonal lasso tool (eliptical maybe too). This is useful in architecture when you want to mark a wall from perspective, you don't have to mark it excessively with squares. Thx
Title: Re: Custom shape render region
Post by: Avi on 2024-01-03, 09:34:43

We have logged this as a feature request in our system. We will let you know if there will be any updates on this.

(Internal ID=1275293072)
Title: Re: Custom shape render region
Post by: tatarka on 2024-05-29, 13:02:53
use case.
Title: Re: Custom shape render region
Post by: lupaz on 2024-05-29, 15:25:19
It would be great to have also a freehand option.
Title: Re: Custom shape render region
Post by: hurrycat on 2024-05-29, 16:14:34
I recently learned that you can Ctrl+Click on a region (in the Corona VFB) and then expand it to create a green area that renders in a slower pace compared to what is inside the red region, giving a fade effect.

Similarly, having the option to render selected object(s) but expanded with a pixel radius may solve the current Render Selected mode, which is not perfect and usually ends up looking like overlaying a PNG in Photoshop.
Title: Re: Custom shape render region
Post by: Aram Avetisyan on 2024-05-31, 02:14:19
Custom shape/Freehand draw regions will be quite tricky and different to be implemented.

This is relatively straight linear object, but what if the shape iteself has curvature or many angles. Drawing a freehand or any mask will be difficult.
Instead, the render mask with viewport selection can be used. You can quickly pick those objects using the pick functionality in the VFB.
If there are many objects to pick, you can create a custom shaped object in the scene, make it non renderable and have it as a render mask - the shown example can be quickly done in this way.

Hope this helps.