Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] I need help! => Topic started by: britbunkley on 2023-12-05, 00:43:43

Title: Maps imported from Blender
Post by: britbunkley on 2023-12-05, 00:43:43
I imported a model from Blender (FBX). I'm trying to reattach the materials. I am having problems with the eyes and jaw. The eyes have a mask. What slot do I put it in? The eyes seem to be made up of a "Sclera", a round globe, and a pupil, a circle with a concave bit.

The body has a roughness map and an AO map. Do I use these? And if so how?

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Maps imported from Blender
Post by: maru on 2023-12-05, 18:33:09
It seems that eye models can be made of multiple elements. The "front" part through which you see the iris needs to be refractive and that is why you have that "sclera" mask. The way I understand it is that the white spot is transparent and refractive (like glass) and the black part is the opaque rest of the eye. This seems to be a standard:
Title: Re: Maps imported from Blender
Post by: britbunkley on 2023-12-06, 02:39:30
Thanks. These are pretty great. I'm not sure how to apply that mask, but I just created mostly refractive, reflective transparent outer material onto the globe so that the iris shows through... it works. I don't get too close to these animals, so an approximation is OK.

Does Corona use a roughness map and AO maps?
Title: Re: Maps imported from Blender
Post by: romullus on 2023-12-06, 10:37:12
Does Corona use a roughness map and AO maps?

Roughness texture goes to Corona physical's base roughness slot. AO is optional, you can blend it with diffuse texture to have more pronounced micro shadowing. Use multiply mode, reduce blend opacity if you think the effect is too strong.