Chaos Corona Forum

Official Stuff => News => Topic started by: Teodora Mircheva on 2023-11-23, 12:29:36

Title: Chaos Corona 11 (Release Candidate 3) is out now for Cinema 4D!
Post by: Teodora Mircheva on 2023-11-23, 12:29:36
Chaos Corona 11 (Release Candidate 3) is out now for Cinema 4D!
Everyone with an active license has access, and the downloads are in the usual locations. (RC 2 for 3ds Max is already out (

Downloads and Change logs:
Cinema 4D (

A Release Candidate is close to being the final release, but we need your feedback to catch any remaining bugs or other issues from real world testing. This is expected to be the final major RC before release, meaning this is the last opportunity to test and give feedback.
Here are some of the major features in Corona 11:
Please test as much as possible and report your findings to us, so that we can make Corona 11 ready for release as quickly as we can! You can tell us about any issues by following the links below:

Cinema 4D
Start a new thread at (