Chaos Corona Forum

General Category => Gallery => Work in Progress/Tests => Topic started by: Torsten Angerer on 2023-11-15, 11:46:20

Title: Rendering with Corona
Post by: Torsten Angerer on 2023-11-15, 11:46:20
Hi, all!

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to play another round with Cinema 4D, this time with the Corona Render.

I left everything at the default setting, played only with the timeframe, running from 5 Minutes to 9 minutes per frame for the various animations.

And of course I ran into some Problems, especially  with noise, „Firefies“ and DoF, but I wasn´t  even scratching the surface of the possibilities of this renderer.

I like the idea of using the CPU for rendering, even in the near future.

What would be the „optimal settings“ in Corona with better results on one hand, but without endless rendertime?
Title: Re: Rendering with Corona
Post by: Beanzvision on 2023-11-15, 12:49:12
Hi there, the ''best'' settings are those of the default settings. What issues did you have with DOF? Please feel free to create a support ticket so we can assist you further. A link to do that is in my signature below.
Title: Re: Rendering with Corona
Post by: Torsten Angerer on 2023-11-19, 13:09:30
Hi all,
I have just uploaded a short and fast Animation on YT, all rendered with Corona.

Maybe you are able to see the noise were the grey spheres are, and the flickering of the green pillow, other than that, I am pretty satisfied wth this first set of render.

Title: Re: Rendering with Corona
Post by: Torsten Angerer on 2024-01-14, 14:31:18
Today, I like to present some more Pictures and another short clip made in Cinema 4D and Corona renderer.

In the video I only used Corona Sky and Sun with no additional lightning. It looks like some textures, especially the fabric ones need more attention, otherwise you will get flickering in the Video, or fireflies in the Stills.

Anyway, it was fun again!

Maybe it`s time now to take a closer look at pyro, but I`m not really a fan of Explosions and fire.
Title: Re: Rendering with Corona
Post by: Torsten Angerer on 2024-03-30, 16:57:30
Long Holiday Weekend a perfect opportunity to upload some new pictures, CR with default sttings, 50 to 100 passes or so.

Title: Re: Rendering with Corona
Post by: Torsten Angerer on 2024-04-13, 10:16:00
First time I did something different with the Pyro Modul in Cinema 4D other than setting an animated sphere on fire.

At this point i´m not able to color the smoke in Corona. If I cache the color in the Pyro output in advance, it turns out to look like an impenetrable dark mass.

So, i still have a lot of problems to solve.

As an alternative I put the Output into a volume mesher, to get the whole material library to use. in this case I choosed the Fog Material turned puple. It also
reduced the visible grid on the Smoke simulation, but the voxelsize is already at 1.
Title: Re: Rendering with Corona
Post by: maru on 2024-04-17, 16:51:00
Hi, changing smoke color should be pretty straightforward.
You can adjust the absorption color and scale.
Then you can adjust the scattering color. Disabling "single bounce only" can be a good idea to get more realistic results, but it will also render slower.
Here are some screenshots. In the last one I tried setting up some kind of dense, yellowish smoke so I've set both absorption and scattering to a yellowish hue.

Note that if you leave scattering color-less (white/gray) and only set absorption to some strong color, you will get weird results, but it's supposed to work that way. With absorption, you are treating light rays with maths, so the original RGB values may at some point end up as something completely different. :)
Title: Re: Rendering with Corona
Post by: Beanzvision on 2024-04-17, 19:25:20
If you want to dive in deeper, please check out our support documents :)
Title: Re: Rendering with Corona
Post by: Torsten Angerer on 2024-04-18, 08:32:28
Hi Maru,

thank you very much for the detailed Feedback! Looks like Absorption is the keyword indeed.
I must admit that I ignored this specific tab completely.

Will try all the different settings next time

Beanzvision, thanks for the advice too!
Title: Re: Rendering with Corona
Post by: Torsten Angerer on 2024-05-31, 19:55:22

kind of busy right now, but occationally searching for some new interesting stuff.