Chaos Corona Forum

General Category => Gallery => Topic started by: flaviomac on 2014-06-09, 13:22:44

Title: TREX animation!
Post by: flaviomac on 2014-06-09, 13:22:44 (

As a kid I found a cat skull and with pieces of a toy tank I assembled a "skull tank". I fought many battles against lego toys with it...
A while ago when I was looking for inspiration to a new personal project I remembered this tank. But what could be nicer than a cat skull? A tyrannosaur skull of course!!!
This is a personal project with no specific purpose but to have fun!

Autodesk 3DSMax
Autodesk Mudbox
IToo Forrest Pack
Corona Render
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop

3D Animation: FlavioMac
Sound Design: FlavioMac, Paulo de Barros
Music: Baba O'Riley - Pearl Jam - The Who
Title: Re: TREX animation!
Post by: Stan_But on 2014-06-09, 15:40:29
How much it was render time?
Title: Re: TREX animation!
Post by: crazyman on 2014-06-09, 15:42:46
is it possible to see raw?
Title: Re: TREX animation!
Post by: Ludvik Koutny on 2014-06-09, 15:54:29
It looks good, but it's terribly missing motion blur :)
Title: Re: TREX animation!
Post by: rampally on 2014-06-09, 16:06:27
Really good to see it
but one think is lacking MB..where is it
at least add some motion blur in post it will look like movie ....overall great
Title: Re: TREX animation!
Post by: flaviomac on 2014-06-09, 16:34:41
Render time was about 80 minutes per frame in a dual 10 core xeon.
Yep I tryed RSMB in post but it not worked well with that "ghost" look around the tank... I wanted give it the "private Ryan" jagged look anyway.
Here is one frame with no post.
Thanks for the comments
Title: Re: TREX animation!
Post by: maru on 2014-06-09, 17:11:48
Awesome work! I love the dynamic toy-like movement and the feeling of playing a game. This is hilarious and cool at the same time. :)
Title: Re: TREX animation!
Post by: Ludvik Koutny on 2014-06-09, 17:53:47
80 minutes? That"s extreme :O

And was there any reason you could not use motion blur in corona?
Title: Re: TREX animation!
Post by: Chakib on 2014-06-09, 18:35:32
80 minutes? That"s extreme :O

And was there any reason you could not use motion blur in corona?

+1 since the motion blur is very fast so for 80 min it will look smooth like butter here.
Title: Re: TREX animation!
Post by: flaviomac on 2014-06-09, 18:57:25
In 80 minutes it was able to do "only" 70 passes, and with MB or DOF it was not enough to clean all the noise.
May be I have to optimise the materials and lighting...
Title: Re: TREX animation!
Post by: rampally on 2014-06-09, 19:26:42
Render time was about 80 minutes per frame in a dual 10 core xeon.
Yep I tryed RSMB in post but it not worked well with that "ghost" look around the tank... I wanted give it the "private Ryan" jagged look anyway.
Here is one frame with no post.
Thanks for the comments
Title: Re: TREX animation!
Post by: borisquezadaa on 2014-06-09, 23:35:23
TREX is back!!!...

Awesome dude, nicely done cameras.
Agreed on the dof.

How did you do the ground?... stone by stone?
Title: Re: TREX animation!
Post by: flaviomac on 2014-06-10, 00:15:52
Thanks Borisquezadaa!
The ground is a mix of procedural maps as displace etc and Forrest Pack to scatter the stones. I had some flickering at some frames but it is almost invisible.