Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D => [C4D] Daily Builds => Topic started by: Oxocan London on 2023-03-04, 09:23:29

Title: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: Oxocan London on 2023-03-04, 09:23:29
Hi everyone,

Can anyone tell me what the equivalent is of "SHUFFLE" in Corona renderer for cinema 4d? I am trying to build layered material using 4 different colours. Also, I am using a "PATTERN DESIGN" and I want those 4 colours to reference each pattern on my fabric. For reference, please see the attached designed pattern. Each of these patterns/shapes should contain a different colour.

In Arnold Renderer, you can use the "SHUFFLE NODE" that allows you to use a reference map (as attached) to change the colours of those patterns. This reference image is plugged into a shuffle note, followed by plugging it into a layered material node, which is then plugged into your texture node.

Any help or guidance is much appreciated.

Warm regards,

Oxocan London
Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: Stefan-L on 2023-03-04, 12:09:33
i am not 100% sure i understand what exact you want to try,
but any kind of pattern, filled with one or more textures inside, layered and randomization can be done with this plugin which works for corona:

other than that simple things are probaly doable with the corona  multishader and uvw randmizer
Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: Oxocan London on 2023-03-04, 12:24:54
Hi Stefan,

Thank you for that. However, I am not looking at purchasing plugins to do what a render engine should be able to do as basic. What i am requesting is very straightforward. You have a colour map that contains simple RGB colours. In my case, this RGB map has a certain design to it. I need to be able to tell the corona renderer "hey look at this reference RGB map. Where you see a red use this colour, where you see blue use this colour and so on".

In Arnold renderer, you can use a node called SHUFFLE. You connect the reference RGB map to the shuffle node and then you feed the shuffle note in a layered material alongside the colours you wish to reflect on each pattern. Does this make more sense?
Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: Oxocan London on 2023-03-04, 12:28:24
In addition to my last reply to Stefan, here is the setup structure in Arnold. Where you see puzzle matte is the coloured RGB image I attached in my original post.
Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: Stefan-L on 2023-03-04, 19:46:14
i am not from corona/chaos, but just a c4d/corona user, only wanted to point out solutions for such and much more complex things, a tool i designed and use everyday myself:)

anyway, the shuffle node is for sure nice for simple things and might be a nice addition to corona.
Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: Beanzvision on 2023-03-06, 10:20:45
As mentioned in my support ticket, I think the multi-shader might work here. ;)

Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: Oxocan London on 2023-03-06, 16:56:34
Does not work. I tried all variations as per your email and still does not work. In Arnold Renderer this is done through the COLOUR SHUFFLE NODE.
Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: Beanzvision on 2023-03-06, 17:04:34
Well, maybe having the scene might help? At least then we can see how it's set up ;)
Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: Oxocan London on 2023-03-06, 18:27:31
Hi Bengamin,

Here is the final setup in Arnold!
Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: TomG on 2023-03-06, 19:52:13
I don't think there is such a node in Max or Corona (or V-Ray). But in essence it looks like the puzzlematte is simply saying "Red is a mask for Material A" "Blue is a mask for Material B" and so on, which could be built and saved as in the screengrab here, using the OSL ColorKey to extract each r, g, b etc. mask separately. These are then just masks you can use any way you like, though I did have to invert them (at least to make use of them the way I was thinking about it :) ).

The Base Color doesn't need a mask of course (that is, the "black" areas in the original puzzlematte).

Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: TomG on 2023-03-06, 19:54:05
Ah though I was doing this in Max, not sure if there is an equivalent to the OSL Color Key in C4D....

There may be a more elegant way to extract a mask, but looks like twin filters will do the job, so long as you are using pure r, g, b as the only colors (the Max set up would be more flexible than that in interpreting the mask colors).
Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: romullus on 2023-03-06, 20:35:34
I don't think there is such a node in Max or Corona (or V-Ray)

In Max this map is called RGB tint and it works perfectly with Corona. I guess that's one of the reasons why nobody has ever asked for this map in Corona.
Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: Beanzvision on 2023-03-07, 08:11:11
From the original image, colour variations were spawned using the multi-shader and hue randomization.

Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: Oxocan London on 2023-03-07, 08:30:04
Hi Bean,

I completely get the amazing tool of randomising colours using the HUE node, hoever this is not what is required. We don't want to randomise, we need to be able to select exactly the colour required, which is this case the closest solution is that of the previous post done by your colleagues. Appreciate the feedback though!
Title: The Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold's - SHUFFLE NODE" SOLVED!
Post by: Oxocan London on 2023-03-07, 09:27:05
Dear Tom,

Thank you for sending me your solution however, it did get a little crowded with all the nodes. I tried a much simple solution using the CINEMA 4D COLORIZER node and this worked. Sometimes you need to use 2 or 3 colourizer nodes depending on the RGB colour map provided. If you got a green and a red that present two different colours/patterns, then you need two colourizer nodes, one that shows green and the other red. I've provided two samples. One contains the full RGB puzzle matte and the second only provides the green and the red. The point here is that COLORIZER is the solution to this problem!

See the screenshot for the workflow. If anyone else ever experiences this, do note that it took 3 days to work out and I am happy to be sharing the solution.

Warm regards,
Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: TomG on 2023-03-07, 13:09:30
Excellent find with the Colorizer! Much better than the Filter approach :) I've never run into an object or material with a "puzzlematte" before, so it was an interesting challenge to think about how it could be done. Hopefully this thread and all the solutions in it will be of help to others who run into one and want to make use of it, in various ways!
Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: Oxocan London on 2023-03-07, 13:20:14
Hi Tom,

This is why we come on these fantastic forums, to learn from one another. I myself discovered that Arnold's Colour Shuffle Node equivalent is C4D's native COLORIZER node. This was a complete accident. I hardly use C4D's native tools as I was very much focused on Arnold's tools. Arnold is very slow if you are using a CPU instated of a GPU to render scenes. The immediate response of the IPR is just not fast enough, especially as you are editing material and speed is everything.

I discovered that Corona does a much faster job on the IPR and is very fast in comparison. Anyways, wishing everyone a fantastic week ahead.
Title: Re: What is the Corona Equivalent of the "Arnold - SHUFFLE NODE"
Post by: Oxocan London on 2023-03-07, 13:52:23
Hi Tom,

Here is one last example where I had to create 3 COLORIZER as the material contains three different patterns, in three different colours! I thought this would be a great example to illustrate my earlier point. Do note that in the LAYER NODE, you stack the colonisers on top of each other and you MULTIPLY each one. Additionally, the Base Colour goes on top of each one!