Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D => [C4D] I need help! => Topic started by: tuami on 2023-01-25, 09:44:02

Title: Problems with Refraction
Post by: tuami on 2023-01-25, 09:44:02
hello all, can anyone help me, what is the reason that these artifacts occur in the glass material and how do I get these dark areas away? scene is attached

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Title: Re: Problems with Refraction
Post by: Beanzvision on 2023-01-25, 10:40:17
Raise them off the ground ever so slightly. They are most likely intersecting with the ground plane. ;) Maybe add some caustics for the hell of it? :D

Title: Re: Problems with Refraction
Post by: tuami on 2023-01-25, 12:41:33
I knew it was something simple but I did not get it, thanks.
As long as the text (Slow) is next to the caustic enable switch, I usually try  to avoid using caustics :)