Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D => [C4D] General Discussion => Topic started by: Ealexander on 2022-12-16, 20:08:43

Title: Refresh Button?
Post by: Ealexander on 2022-12-16, 20:08:43
What does the Refresh button do in the VFB?  It never seems to do anything for me and I can't find it in the Help files.  I'd love it to refresh the scene to restart the IR when I make a change that isn't automatically picked up, but alas.... nada.

Also - what about the PICK button?


Title: Re: Refresh Button?
Post by: John_Do on 2022-12-17, 21:08:36
Also - what about the PICK button?

Pick allow you to select the object under the cursor or adjust the focus target. You have to enable Pick and right click to use it. Look for the context menu, it has a tendency to pop outside of the VFB window.


For refresh I don't know, never used it and from a quick test it doesn't seem to have any effect ?
Title: Re: Refresh Button?
Post by: Ealexander on 2022-12-20, 16:01:31
Cool!  Thanks - that's how Octane handles focus also - I didn't realize you could do that with Corona too.

Anyone have any luck with Refresh though?
Title: Re: Refresh Button?
Post by: TomG on 2022-12-20, 17:57:21
It doesn't currently do anything, correct :) It is left there (for now) more as a safeguard in case you need to force-refresh the VFB, but tbh there are no such situations that we know of. We've considered just deleting it, or moving it somewhere less prominent, we shall see.
Title: Re: Refresh Button?
Post by: Frood on 2022-12-20, 18:41:57
Anyone have any luck with Refresh though?


Good Luck

Title: Re: Refresh Button?
Post by: Ealexander on 2022-12-22, 23:37:13
It doesn't currently do anything, correct :) It is left there (for now) more as a safeguard in case you need to force-refresh the VFB, but tbh there are no such situations that we know of. We've considered just deleting it, or moving it somewhere less prominent, we shall see.

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the reply.  Honestly, I'm surprised to hear you say this - I need to refresh the VFB about a million times a day: adjusting a material, turning geo on or off, moving a light (sometimes) - usually it takes, but lots of times it doesn't.  The number of times I start and stop the VFB to refresh is a lot.  It's not a deal breaker, but it would be nice if refresh did what it's namesake advertised :)