Chaos Corona Forum

General Category => Porting and API => [Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya => Topic started by: haggi on 2014-05-01, 19:35:12

Title: release 0.24
Post by: haggi on 2014-05-01, 19:35:12
release 0.24
- added ies lights
- fixed shutter speed
- added pointLights
- added spotLights
- added directionalLights
- started experimental OSL implementation (not usable for users yet)

This version is mostly to check if my version for OSL works at all and if it works on other machines.
Spot light dropoff parameter is screwed up, I'll fix it in the next release.
Title: Re: release 0.24
Post by: max45 on 2014-05-06, 04:38:15
All  textures rendering black.
Noticed in surface shader no diffuse level parameter
Title: Re: release 0.24
Post by: haggi on 2014-05-06, 09:56:13
Oh, that's bad. I'll check it.
Title: Re: release 0.24
Post by: haggi on 2014-05-06, 22:23:49
Update is available. In the API there is no such thing like a diffuse level parameter as much as I can see, not sure how it is done in 3dsmax.
Title: Re: release 0.24
Post by: max45 on 2014-05-07, 07:53:42
-Now textures work perfect
-Maybe Keymaster forgot to introduce the diffuse level parameter in the API. In 3dsmax diffuse level has

Look forward to portal light, bump mapping)
Title: Re: release 0.24
Post by: ohsnapitsjoel on 2014-05-09, 15:31:40
Update is available. In the API there is no such thing like a diffuse level parameter as much as I can see, not sure how it is done in 3dsmax.

Diffuse level is a multiplier for multiplying the RGB of the diffuse color.  In my Blender exporter, I just had to expose the parameters to the user and calculate everything myself on the back end.  I can't imagine it's in the API.  There is also a translucency multiplier.  The formula for it is:

diffuseMultiplier *= (1.f - translucencyMultiplier);

Then you multiply the diffuse color by the diffuseMultiplier, and translucency color is simply multiplied by the translucencyMultiplier.  In the UI, the multipliers are just 0-1 float sliders.
Title: Re: release 0.24
Post by: haggi on 2014-05-09, 16:35:36
Indeed, this works fine as long as the color is only a color. But if you connect a texture to the color, the value cannot be simply manipulated. But I'll have a look at another location, maybe I missed something.

Title: Re: release 0.24
Post by: ohsnapitsjoel on 2014-05-12, 15:48:00
Indeed, this works fine as long as the color is only a color. But if you connect a texture to the color, the value cannot be simply manipulated. But I'll have a look at another location, maybe I missed something.

Right, that's a limitation in my exporter as well.  But I got a lot of requests from people who had been used to working with Corona in 3ds Max, asking for controls similar to what the Max plugin uses.  If you talk to Ludvik Koutny or Ondra himself, they may have some interface suggestions/requests for plugin consistency across applications.  Ludvik was especially helpful when I was re-designing the UI and trying to figure out these kinds of small implementation details.
Title: Re: release 0.24
Post by: haggi on 2014-05-12, 16:22:43
I'll talk ot Ondra about these multipliers. But I suppose as soon as I have a working implementation of OSL in my plugin, I can implement it beacuse I can manipulate the texture vaules what is not possible right now - at least not so easy.
Title: Re: release 0.24
Post by: Nibiru on 2014-05-16, 19:30:09
hei there
I have this problem  when I try open a scene that was already set up with
corona (current version) I get this error when I try to open
the render settings
// Error: file: X:/XXXXX/mayaToCorona/mayaToCorona/scripts/unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow.mel line 855: Cannot find procedure "localizedUIMisc".

and I cant open the render settings.

Am I doing something wrong ?

Title: Re: release 0.24
Post by: haggi on 2014-05-17, 09:26:16
I suppose you are using not Maya2014 Subscription pack? They changed some scripts and at the moment it only works well with the subscription pack. Sorry.