Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Feature Requests => Topic started by: ronilsonandrade on 2022-04-24, 02:54:11

Title: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: ronilsonandrade on 2022-04-24, 02:54:11
1 - The idea is to unify the texture scale, size, rotation and displacement controllers in the material, the default method is to change it by the uv texture tile itself, but for that it is necessary to change each bitmap separately, i.e. the AO , Diff, Brightness and etc,
(there are also people who use the UVW XForma Modifier, but in this case I would have to go to the "ID Map" and change the model) the idea is to skip this part, and go straight to the material and change there, which would shorten the process.

2 - The idea is to unify the quantity and the Advanced Maps method of the material, instead of using a Triplanar for each channel (Diff, Gloss, Bump) this method insists on unifying the controllers of these channels in a single Triplanar, that is, , a material would not need multiple triplanes, just a control triplane mapping, and this goes for

- triplane
- MultiMap
- UVW Randomize
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: gabrieljohansson on 2022-04-24, 03:05:55
Great suggestion, that would be a great workflow improvement!
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: pou5562 on 2022-04-24, 03:33:25
Nice. Its really annoying to adjust the uv parameters all over again, after being already adjusted before.
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: romullus on 2022-04-24, 11:27:19
I don't know if you're aware of this, but it's already possible to link various parameters of different maps, so they could be modified from single place, it's called controllers.

As for your suggestion, i see couple big problems with it. First of all, AFAIK 3ds Max does not allow to plug multiple outputs into single input, but even if that would be possible, how on earth your suggested uber triplanar map should figure how to distribute all those inputs to correct slots?
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: Basshunter on 2022-04-24, 18:02:22
This would be SO helpful.
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: ronilsonandrade on 2022-04-24, 18:45:14
I don't know if you're aware of this, but it's already possible to link various parameters of different maps, so they could be modified from single place, it's called controllers.

As for your suggestion, i see couple big problems with it. First of all, AFAIK 3ds Max does not allow to plug multiple outputs into single input, but even if that would be possible, how on earth your suggested uber triplanar map should figure how to distribute all those inputs to correct slots?

1 - Yes, I am aware that there is a native controller in 3ds for this, but this method would make it even easier, because, in my point of view, Corona Render has this premise, "simplify" the process, and I believe that's what made several V-Ray users migrate to it, for the "ease" I myself was one that left sketchup and came to 3ds Max and Corona Render for that reason

Note: there is even a Plugin that already does this, (DropToSlate) in it, in addition to importing as many textures as you want at once to the Slate Material Editor, it also has a function that you select eg 10 bitmaps and change the UV tile at once

but our intention here is to simplify, further improve Corona Renderer

2 As for the output limit, I didn't know 3ds max had this limit, but maybe I expressed myself badly or maybe there was a translation error because I use Google Translate, (I'm Brazilian and I don't speak English).

but I've noticed that some maps like OSL Maps have some inputs and outputs, if there is a limit I didn't know, I'm not a developer or programmer, the intention is to contribute to the improvement of the engine, if I knew how to program I would already be doing it :)

3 - the idea is that advanced maps like triplane and randomize control not just one bitmap at a time, as currently, for example, triplane has 4 inputs for maps, x, y, z and blend.

the change suggestion is, add new inputs and outputs in "free" mode, and if I add a new input, the advanced map automatically generates the output, as in the picture, this "free" addition would also be similar to "Composite", or "Multi/Sub-Object", in the Composite Map you have the option of "Add a New Layer" and Multi/Sub-Object has the option of "Add" a new ID

this option of adding a new input and a new output would allow me to add an input for as many channels as I need, only in that case the triplane controller would change all maps that were added (linked) to it at the same time
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: Alexandre Besson on 2022-04-26, 10:44:12

Same thing with uvw randomizer would be nice.
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: signei.koch on 2022-06-03, 02:40:47
Really great idea.
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: hurrycat on 2022-06-03, 16:45:33

This has been suggested before, It does seem very reasonable and could end up saving us a lot of time and frustration.

If 3ds Max doesn't allow plugging multiple inputs to the same node, maybe we can use a CoronaMultimap that takes all the different maps (diffuse,refl,bump etc) of a Material and then feeds that to the corresponding Material slots, while respecting their hierarchy.
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: danio1011 on 2022-06-25, 08:05:34
+1 this would make every day better…admittedly tired of setting up ‘additional parameters.’
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: Ink Visual on 2024-04-08, 15:06:30
+1 great idea
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: RecentSpacesSam on 2024-04-09, 10:13:44
Is this not the same as the "multi output channels" that was added a version or two ago?

With Corona Triplanar/UVWRandomiser/ColorCorrect you can add additional inputs so that all bitmaps run through the same map
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: Ink Visual on 2024-04-09, 10:43:45
Yeah, fair point, it actually is. We only literally just udpated to Max 2024 so are quite late to multi output channels party!
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: brr on 2024-04-09, 12:07:52
Is this not the same as the "multi output channels" that was added a version or two ago?

With Corona Triplanar/UVWRandomiser/ColorCorrect you can add additional inputs so that all bitmaps run through the same map
MultiOutput is less or completely not supported when you try to convert or export the shaders...
Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: Avi on 2024-04-10, 13:37:50

We have logged this as a feature request in our system.

(Report ID=CMAX-922)

Title: Re: New Unified UV Tile Control map
Post by: maru on 2024-05-21, 15:34:57
Hi, we have discussed this idea internally and I don't think we fully understand it. Sorry about that.

Here are some facts:
- If you have multiple textures making up a single material (e.g. diffuse, normal, roughness), you can pass those multiple textures through a single node using the "multi inputs/outputs" feature (Triplanar, Mapping Randomizer, Multimap). This way, all textures will be controlled in one go. This is already supported and we do not need any new map type for this.
- If you do not want to affect all textures, but for example change scale in texture A to 1 and in texture B to 2, then you can simply use two separate triplanar/randomizer/multimap/other nodes.

So the two solutions cover both cases: when you want to control everything at once and when you want to control each texture separately.

Most likely, I do not fully understand the request here, so what would definitely help is sharing a specific use case where this would be helpful. Could you set up a simple scene and explain to us:
- I would like to do x
- I am unable to do x because currently there is no such option
- to resolve that, I would like to have a new feature y implemented

Thanks in advance!