Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] I need help! => Topic started by: apjasko on 2022-04-15, 16:09:41

Title: Bizarre VFB Exposure Behavior with Corona 8
Post by: apjasko on 2022-04-15, 16:09:41
I have been experiencing strange VFB behavior related to exposure with Corona 8. This started happening while using RC4 I believe, maybe 5. But was intermittent. Now that I installed the final release build it happens regularly.

The VFB changes exposure anytime I move anything in the viewport. I'll set Simple Exposure to a desired value, move the viewport, and the exposure changes despite the value staying the same.

I made a video of the issue and tried attaching it, hopefully it works. Any ideas why this is happening?
Title: Re: Bizarre VFB Exposure Behavior with Corona 8
Post by: TomG on 2022-04-15, 16:20:40
Doesn't happen for me here. What happens if you move out of the field before moving the camera? Does it happen in all scenes, or just some? Are there any cameras in the scene, is it possible it is somehow grabbing settings from one of those? What happens if you start a new scene and Merge all the content into it, does it still happen? It might also help if you are able to share the scene with us (can be done by using "Submit a request" at where you can add attachments to the ticket when it is created).
Title: Re: Bizarre VFB Exposure Behavior with Corona 8
Post by: maru on 2022-04-15, 17:45:04
Most likely:

What you see here is the Max Sample Intensity being re-evaluated when the scene is re-rendered with different exposure. See here for more information:
This means that most likely your scene is incorrectly lit with mostly indirect light instead of direct illumination, or that you are using self-illumination instead of light materials / Corona lights. More information on using self-illumination vs lights:

The solutions would be either:
- Reworking the scene to be lit mainly by direct lights
- Going to Render Setup > Performance and setting Max Sample intensity to a higher value (e.g. 1000 - but this will introduce more noise to the rendering) or setting it to 0 (this will disable MSI and will introduce A LOT of noise to your scene)

It is also a good practice to set light intensity and camera exposure first, then render, and then adjust the exposure in the VFB as the last post-rendering step.

Another thing you can try is going to Render Setup > Performance and changing the secondary GI solver (at the top of the window) from UHD Cache to 4K Cache. It is more physically accurate, so this effect should be generally weaker when using it.

This is not something new, it is the same in Corona 7 and any older version.
Title: Re: Bizarre VFB Exposure Behavior with Corona 8
Post by: apjasko on 2022-04-15, 18:54:08
Thank you Maru!

The scene had a lot of objects with self-illumination. Using a batch material editor I was able to remove all those and now everything operates as normal.
Title: Re: Bizarre VFB Exposure Behavior with Corona 8
Post by: maru on 2022-04-15, 19:01:59
Thank you Maru!

The scene had a lot of objects with self-illumination. Using a batch material editor I was able to remove all those and now everything operates as normal.

I am super happy to hear that!