Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] General Discussion => Topic started by: alexyork on 2021-02-09, 17:15:17

Title: Corona + Deadline Tile Renders - Assembly not working
Post by: alexyork on 2021-02-09, 17:15:17
Hi folks,

Anyone else having trouble getting the Deadline Assembly to work after a tile rendering is complete? All the tiles render fine but it will never assemble. This is using EXR.

"Error: Renderer returned non-zero error code, 1. Check the log for more information.
   at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(Task task, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)"


"RuntimeError: exr_input_file Error: failed to open exr file filename.exr"

2021-02-07 08:34:29:  0: STDOUT: Final Image Dimensions = 17500x12016
2021-02-07 08:34:29:  0: STDOUT: TileCount given: 25
2021-02-07 08:34:29:  0: STDOUT: Tile0 position: 0, 9613
2021-02-07 08:34:29:  0: STDOUT: Tile0 dimension: 3500, 2403
Title: Re: Corona + Deadline Tile Renders - Assembly not working
Post by: maru on 2021-02-09, 18:11:56
Looks like we will have to contact Deadline team about this to find out what exactly this error could mean.

"RuntimeError: exr_input_file Error: failed to open exr file filename.exr"

I am not sure, but this looks a bit like the file name was not specified correctly. Are you sure that all input/output paths are correct? (existent, accessible locations)

And just to make sure: you are rendering to EXR, not CXR, right?
Title: Re: Corona + Deadline Tile Renders - Assembly not working
Post by: alexyork on 2021-02-09, 18:21:53
Looks like we will have to contact Deadline team about this to find out what exactly this error could mean.

"RuntimeError: exr_input_file Error: failed to open exr file filename.exr"

I am not sure, but this looks a bit like the file name was not specified correctly. Are you sure that all input/output paths are correct? (existent, accessible locations)

And just to make sure: you are rendering to EXR, not CXR, right?

The deadline job is sent to Deadline automatically as two jobs. Job 1 = whole farm rendering 25 tiles. Job 2 = one machine (mine in this case) assembling those tiles (or not, as the case seems to be).

Rendering to EXR, yes.

I noticed a problem, as an example (edited due to not giving away project information)

It appears to be looking for this file: filepath\Renders\large_format\project_largeformat_17k_tile_2x1_5x5_.0000.exr
but the REAL file that's created is: filepath\Renders\large_format\project_largeformat_17k_tile_2x1_5x5_.0001.exr
Note the number at the end is wrong. So something's going wrong with the expected filename/numbering for the tile versus the real name/numbering that's actually written BEFORE the assembly is happening.

At least it appears this is the case....

It's interesting as there are like 20 Deadline errors all relating to this same tile. That seems to have killed the assembly job.

Title: Re: Corona + Deadline Tile Renders - Assembly not working
Post by: maru on 2021-02-10, 17:25:03
(emailed Deadline + Alex, would be great to update this thread when issue found)
Title: Re: Corona + Deadline Tile Renders - Assembly not working
Post by: alexyork on 2021-02-10, 18:02:18
Title: Re: Corona + Deadline Tile Renders - Assembly not working
Post by: maru on 2021-02-17, 09:30:09
Update: the issue is still under investigation, but so far it appears that it was a bug in an older version of Deadline, so upgrading to the newest one should fix it.
Title: Re: Corona + Deadline Tile Renders - Assembly not working
Post by: alexyork on 2021-02-17, 09:46:36
Thanks for this Marcin. We'll most likely upgrade our Deadline version in the next week or two and I'll test and confirm when I can after that.
