Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Bug Reporting => [Max] Resolved Bugs => Topic started by: fosski on 2014-03-20, 11:42:04

Title: Deadline render element fail
Post by: fosski on 2014-03-20, 11:42:04
Im currently trying to render out corona elements on my network trough deadline. First I start with a fresh scene, and i send it to deadline with standard render and mentalray (with elements). No problems at all. Then i change to corona render (same scene), still no problems with corona. However, when i add corona elements i get trouble.
It seems like my deadline can't handle corona elements or something? I'm really not that software savy, so i'm not able to find the error here by my self.
I'm using max 2014, deadline 5.2 and corona alpha5.
Title: Re: Deadline render element fail
Post by: bair4ik on 2014-03-20, 12:00:06
Set file saving in COMMON parametres in render parametres. and elements can save automaticaly. Corona not write file extension for elements, and cant save your elements, and write error.

set file save path and unchek save file, for not search path every server. and elements render to render image saving path.

Sorry for my ENG =)
Title: Re: Deadline render element fail
Post by: fosski on 2014-03-20, 12:16:17
Hi. And thank you for fast response! I really like this corona community! However, I have tried to override the output for corona elements. Even tried to change format. It seems to me like the deadline script won't communicate with corona element output? I get the same error from "send to deadline script"
Title: Re: Deadline render element fail
Post by: racoonart on 2014-03-20, 13:00:09
You need to use alpha 6. Alpha 5 didn't have all the maxscript properties deadline uses, that's why the submission script fails.
Title: Re: Deadline render element fail
Post by: Ondra on 2014-03-20, 13:04:33
Oh it is A5 ;) I was worried this bug that was fixed was reintroduced somewhere after A5 ;). Ok, so update to A6, it should be fine.
Title: Re: Deadline render element fail
Post by: fosski on 2014-03-20, 13:07:30
Wow. I was just about to check out the possibility of that a6 might work:) I'm actually on a limb here. Convinced my boss that we should actually do a client project with corona, and we are well into production. Close to getting my ass slammed hard. Hopefully that will work. Big thank's!