Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] General Discussion => Topic started by: Vjaramillo on 2020-11-10, 18:53:02

Title: Vray vision
Post by: Vjaramillo on 2020-11-10, 18:53:02
Has anyone seen the new feature for SketchUp? Vray Vision? Looks like a replacement for Enscape.  Is Corona planning on having a Corona Vision for 3ds MAX? Rendering animations take forever so if there was a way to have something like Enscape and TM where you can render fast animations that would be awesome. Just saying.  I know Chaos has Project Lavina, but having to switch back and forth is a pain.                   
Title: Re: Vray vision
Post by: svetlozar.draganov on 2020-11-11, 16:59:20
V-Ray Vision is currently available only in V-Ray Sketchup but this may change in the future.
We'll see how it will be adopted from the users and whether it will be useful for other host applications.

Currently, V-Ray Vision also operates as a Standalone tool allowing loading .vrscene files exported from any V-Ray integration. If you would like to give it a try download a trial version of SketchUp and V-Ray for SketchUp and do it.

I'm not sure what exactly do you mean by 'switch back and forth is a pain' but Project Laving will have a live link option that will allow connecting Lavina to the respective host-app and render the project directly from the host app. This will remove the back and forth operations and will give the user the ability to use Lavina inside the host-application which will speed up the work process to a whole new level.

For more information please stay tuned and check our website and youtube channel regularly.
Title: Re: Vray vision
Post by: Vjaramillo on 2020-11-12, 19:39:07
What I meant about back and forth was with the renderers.  Corona and Vray.  I'm a corona user in 3ds MAX.  So if I want to use any Vray tools like Project Lavina or this new Vray vision, I would have to covert my current Corona project into Vray and and the export the .vrscene.  Are you guys planning on creating a similar app for Corona that would allow users to generate real-time renders and animations quickly...Currently Corona takes forever to generate animations of clean quality unless the user has a farm or uses a service. For single machine users like me, animations are not feasible at the rate clients want them. So I have to plan projects accordingly.
Title: Re: Vray vision
Post by: Philip kelly on 2020-11-13, 09:22:24
+1 , This is what I need and my clients for a long time now and would really appreciate the move forward, but I presume it means going GPU?

Title: Re: Vray vision
Post by: Vjaramillo on 2020-11-16, 21:20:40
I was speaking to a colleague and he was saying that he tested faster speeds with his new RTX card while using IR.  By a factor of 10.