Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] General Discussion => Topic started by: steyin on 2014-03-19, 17:37:33

Title: Proper way to render out Render Elements?
Post by: steyin on 2014-03-19, 17:37:33
I must be doing something idiotic, but now that A6 can render out elements by themselves without the beauty pass "almost instantly", why does it take so long? Are you supposed to change the # of passes or something? Normally I only use the Mat ID and texmap elements, but they still take a while to get rid of the noise.

I can understand the texmap needing time to reduce noise as I use it for an AO pass, but shouldn't the MatID pass be done in a few seconds?

Also, if I stop the passes rendering, the files saved to the specified folder are much lighter than they appear in the VFB.

So what am I doing foolishly wrong? Forgive my ignorance here as I rarely ever used elements until a few months ago. Thanks for any help!