Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] I need help! => Topic started by: sailor on 2020-09-23, 09:46:49

Title: how to clone a map instead of copy
Post by: sailor on 2020-09-23, 09:46:49

I'm following UVW randomizer map tutorial on the following page,

At the brick section how do you clone the Uvw Randomizer map for displacement map instead of making a copy? I usually click and drag to make a copy of a map but not sure if that makes a clone or copy. Please advise.
Title: Re: how to clone a map instead of copy
Post by: MAY3D on 2020-09-23, 10:29:19
You just have to click and drag to copy the map (copy/clone mean the same thing). As long as both maps have the same settings, then displacement and diffuse will be randomised in the same way.
Title: Re: how to clone a map instead of copy
Post by: sailor on 2020-09-23, 10:46:23
Ahh~, I was thinking about instance actually, don't see any way to do so. But thanks for your reply.
Title: Re: how to clone a map instead of copy
Post by: romullus on 2020-09-23, 11:04:12
Full clone is a meaningless concept in slate material editor, since you can plug the same map into as many material slots, as you need without the need to clone the map itself. However you can link one, or several parameters of two, or more different maps and make them partial clones. This is done with controller nodes. Check the 3ds max help on how to do this, or you can try to search the forum for controllers, since this concept has been discussed many times here.
Title: Re: how to clone a map instead of copy
Post by: sailor on 2020-09-23, 11:35:03
That's true, will look into the controllers which sounds complicated a bit. Thanks.
Title: Re: how to clone a map instead of copy
Post by: maru on 2020-09-23, 17:42:33
As far as I understand you would like to control multiple textures with the UVW Randomizer in the same way, right? So, for example, if you have a brick diffuse texture, brick normal map, and brick glossiness map, you want to adjust all of them with a single UVW Randomizer or with multiple ones, but in the same way all the time.

If that's the case, then we are aware of the need for such a features and we are thinking what would be the best way to solve it.

(Internal ID=519549099)
Title: Re: how to clone a map instead of copy
Post by: sailor on 2020-09-23, 19:44:25
Yes, exactly, glad to hear you guys are working on it and hope to see it soon.