Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D => [C4D] General Discussion => Topic started by: kmwhitt on 2020-06-07, 00:26:51

Title: Interactive Rendering vs. Full Render
Post by: kmwhitt on 2020-06-07, 00:26:51
I've got an interior scene that renders correctly when using Interactive Rendering, but displays an artifact when performing a full render - see comparisons attached.  In my opinion, the overall look of the Interactive Rendering looks much, much better than the full render.  In fact, I would prefer to use IR; however, I am unable to apply denoising under this mode.

I am using the latest official build (not one of the daily builds).

I've also noticed that during Interactive Rendering if I change the skies ground color, I never get accurate results that match the full render.  In fact, lowering the value from the default 25% (to something like 22%), sometimes results in a brighter ceiling when it should become darker.  This is frustrating as I often change the ground color for my work and defeats the entire purpose of using IR.  I spend a lot of time getting it just right in IR only to have it change significantly in the full render.  I'd really appreciate some help getting to the bottom of this as I've been dealing with this problem ever since I've been using Corona.  I know, my fault for not speaking up earlier.  Thanks!  Kevin
Title: Re: Interactive Rendering vs. Full Render
Post by: Cinemike on 2020-06-07, 00:47:02
Wild guess: Do you have the GI solver set to UHD cache but in the IR settings "Force Path Tracing" checked?
Title: Re: Interactive Rendering vs. Full Render
Post by: kmwhitt on 2020-06-07, 00:59:59
Cinemike - thanks for the reply.  I just checked and everything is at default (not checked).  I have been using Corona since the first build and these disparities between IR and Full Render have always existed.  I appreciate your input.  Kevin
Title: Re: Interactive Rendering vs. Full Render
Post by: kmwhitt on 2020-06-07, 01:01:14
I'd really appreciate tech support taking a look at the file.  I have it already to go, just need the okay from them before uploading...
Title: Re: Interactive Rendering vs. Full Render
Post by: Cinemike on 2020-06-07, 01:04:54
Ok, too bad, would have been an easy fix.

Good luck with tech support and have a nice Sunday,
Title: Re: Interactive Rendering vs. Full Render
Post by: kmwhitt on 2020-06-07, 02:16:25
Thank you Michael.  You too.  Kevin
Title: Re: Interactive Rendering vs. Full Render
Post by: kmwhitt on 2020-06-07, 14:20:52
I ran some tests this morning and the problem seems to be the portals.  When I remove them, the IR and Production Render are virtually identical other than some noise variations.  Maybe I am using the portals incorrectly?  This model consists of an entire 1st floor of a home.  I have portals in every window (even those windows/rooms not shown by the current camera).  Is this overkill and could it be contributing to the problem?  Are we to use portals only on a scene-by-scene basis?  I'd still like tech support to take a look at my file if they don't mind.  Thanks again, Kevin
Title: Re: Interactive Rendering vs. Full Render
Post by: Cinemike on 2020-06-07, 15:07:31
The latest V6 dailies removed the need for using portals, so it might be worth checking for you if this could solve your issue already.
Title: Re: Interactive Rendering vs. Full Render
Post by: kmwhitt on 2020-06-07, 15:22:36
Thanks Michael.  I'll give the latest build a try.  Are there any known issues with the build?  Is it stable?
Title: Re: Interactive Rendering vs. Full Render
Post by: Beanzvision on 2020-06-08, 09:00:20
Hi Kmwhitt, Let us know if the daily has helped if not, you're more than welcome to send us the file :)
Title: Re: Interactive Rendering vs. Full Render
Post by: kmwhitt on 2020-06-08, 12:19:04
Thanks Beanzvision.  This latest daily build is working quite well, so no need to visit past issues.