Chaos Corona Forum

General Category => Gallery => Topic started by: Edvinas on 2020-02-07, 12:51:06

Title: Boffi kitchen design and rendering
Post by: Edvinas on 2020-02-07, 12:51:06
Hello, guys!

A few weeks ago I did the design and visualization project inspired by Boffi kitchen. The goal was not only to show my taste for design, visualisation and presentation, but to investigate how the proper presentation of 3D images can impact the whole project impression.

There are so many people around doing such a great visualisation work, but only a few of them present the images in a proper way. Dropping batch of images to the gallery or social doesn't look like a good idea for me. Those images will be lost between thousand other. People spend hours creating 3D image, but then give only 5 minutes to post it everywhere without any order or explanation. Why not tell the story behind it? Why not create a more meaningful presentation?

I always look at great artists and how they present their work and I couldn't find a painter who just glues his painting on the wall without proper frame. Or lighting. Or music. All these side arts create the impression
. So in the behance presentation (, I tried to enhance the impression of minimalism. Let me know what you think about it.

How do you present your work? Do you have any tricks to use working with clients? :)
