Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Bug Reporting => [Max] Resolved Bugs => Topic started by: pokoy on 2019-11-27, 19:26:59

Title: Max 2020 - Corona displays wrong OSL maps in the viewports with modified UVWs
Post by: pokoy on 2019-11-27, 19:26:59
Max 2020, Corona v5

Open the attached scene, open Slate.

In the viewport you'll see a plane with an OSL noise displayed.
In Slate you'll see a map tree that is fed into the diffuse channel of a Standard Material and a Corona Material.

The plane has the Standard Material assigned, make sure viewport is set to HQ mode to display OSL correctly. Now assign the Corona Material to the plane and it will display a wrong result. It will only match the Standard Map when rendered, but we need it to display correctly in the viewport.

If you now remove the OSL noise map named 'UVW modulator' from the OSL UVW Channel map it will match the result of the Standard Material. For some reason, Corona Mtl can't display OSL correctly in the viewports if UVWs are modulated.q
Title: Re: Max 2020 - Corona displays wrong OSL maps in the viewports with modified UVWs
Post by: rowmanns on 2019-11-28, 10:04:57

Thanks for reporting this. We will look into it.


(Internal ID=428708448)