Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Bug Reporting => [Max] Resolved Bugs => Topic started by: dizartwork on 2019-04-13, 08:47:26

Title: CPU AI denoise incorrect result (Corona 4 db 5042019)
Post by: dizartwork on 2019-04-13, 08:47:26
Found interesting problem with CPU AI denoising.
I have one texture (
It`s the same texture resaving with PS to test with texture problem. (
In scene 1 Cube. With 3 lights. Cube standart UVW. Material wood from CoronaMaterialLibrary changed texture for my picute. Limited 10 pass.
Material (
Second material in the bottom, its clear CoronaMtl without any changes, without any reflections. Insert only texture to the same slot.
With bouth material when CPU AI denoise active in final image i have incorrect result (
Its problem in Rest Render Element. Scene completly clear.
Denoise ON (
Denoise OFF (
Without UVWRandomiser same problem.

Changed my texture to CoronaMultiMap (

ClearMaterial with CoronaColor. Color complitely same (

Another random color (

Title: Re: CPU AI denoise incorrect result (Corona 4 db 5042019)
Post by: rowmanns on 2019-04-15, 11:06:38

Please can you send through your scene? Instructions on how to do this are in my signiture.


Title: Re: CPU AI denoise incorrect result (Corona 4 db 5042019)
Post by: dizartwork on 2019-04-15, 17:56:30
Title: Re: CPU AI denoise incorrect result (Corona 4 db 5042019)
Post by: rowmanns on 2019-04-15, 18:22:02

Thanks, I have got the scene. We will look into it.


(Internal ID=341342152)
Title: Re: CPU AI denoise incorrect result (Corona 4 db 5042019)
Post by: dizartwork on 2019-04-16, 12:01:03

Thanks, I have got the scene. We will look into it.


(Internal ID=341342152)

Any ideas? Tested this bug in another PC. The problem still remains.
Noticed that she appears during envirement denoising. Tested with any envirement variations. But i think its CPU AI denoise problem with some color.
Title: Re: CPU AI denoise incorrect result (Corona 4 db 5042019)
Post by: rowmanns on 2019-04-16, 14:10:59

It looks like the issue is related to the denoiser, I have reported this to our development team, but unfortunately I don't have any timescale on a fix at the moment.

I'll do my best to keep you updated.


Title: Re: CPU AI denoise incorrect result (Corona 4 db 5042019)
Post by: dizartwork on 2019-04-17, 07:20:24

It looks like the issue is related to the denoiser, I have reported this to our development team, but unfortunately I don't have any timescale on a fix at the moment.

I'll do my best to keep you updated.



Hi, Rowan
I noticed one interesting feature.
The darker and richer the color, the more blur. Blur leaves a little if you remove the saturation. On the test, the saturation from the extreme 255 decreases with a step of -30.
Title: Re: CPU AI denoise incorrect result (Corona 4 db 5042019)
Post by: dizartwork on 2019-04-17, 07:24:36
Scene (
Title: Re: CPU AI denoise incorrect result (Corona 4 db 5042019)
Post by: Frood on 2019-04-17, 09:09:06
Just want to quickly chime in and thank you for those tests, the report and files you shared. This is much work done to isolate the issue. I'm highly interested in enhancing that denoiser myself, so thanks again.

Good Luck

Title: Re: CPU AI denoise incorrect result (Corona 4 db 5042019)
Post by: Frood on 2019-04-17, 11:49:01
Same also happens if you set environment to black and switch off (or delete) the lights. I already (quick-) reported this. Don't know what's on "02.jpg" (it's not described, maybe just the "rest" element) but it is exactly what you get in all passes/light select elements, having no light at all in the scene.

Good Luck

Title: Re: CPU AI denoise incorrect result (Corona 4 db 5042019)
Post by: dizartwork on 2019-04-30, 01:03:18
Hi, Rowan.
Do you have any news?
Title: Re: CPU AI denoise incorrect result (Corona 4 db 5042019)
Post by: rowmanns on 2019-04-30, 15:22:56

So at the moment I don't have a timescale on it.

We are however currently working with Intel on a fix for this, I will let you know if I have any further updates.


Title: Re: CPU AI denoise incorrect result (Corona 4 db 5042019)
Post by: rowmanns on 2019-08-26, 16:05:28

This is fixed in the next version of the Intel denoiser, this will be included with the next daily build which is coming soon.

