Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Bug Reporting => [Max] Resolved Bugs => Topic started by: pokoy on 2019-04-10, 17:51:20

Title: 3dsmax - Distance Map often doesn't update object list when map is duplicated
Post by: pokoy on 2019-04-10, 17:51:20
I have no scene for this as it sometimes works correctly, sometimes fails. Please follow these steps to reproduce:

1. create a few objects
2. Use some of these objects in a Corona Distance Map in a Material
3. Copy/Paste (not instance!) this Distance Map to another Material
4. Try to change the object assignment in the copied Distance Map (not the original)

>>> For me, the objects in the list will often 'stick', or objects will only be removed/added when I exit the Distance Map and display again. Sometimes, objects in a copied Distance Map cannot be removed at all and require you to create a new Distance Map from scratch instead of just copying it.
Title: Re: 3dsmax - Distance Map often doesn't update object list when map is duplicated
Post by: rowmanns on 2019-04-10, 18:29:24

Thanks for reporting. We will investigate it.



(Internal ID=339793176)
Title: Re: 3dsmax - Distance Map often doesn't update object list when map is duplicated
Post by: rowmanns on 2019-04-11, 09:19:10

So far I have not been able to reproduce this.

Can you provide me with the version of Corona and Max that you are using?


Title: Re: 3dsmax - Distance Map often doesn't update object list when map is duplicated
Post by: pokoy on 2019-04-11, 11:29:25

So far I have not been able to reproduce this.

Can you provide me with the version of Corona and Max that you are using?



I had this happen with Max 2016 and v2, and it's also happening with 2018/v3.
Title: Re: 3dsmax - Distance Map often doesn't update object list when map is duplicated
Post by: rowmanns on 2019-04-11, 14:20:40

Thanks for the information, I'm still unable to reproduce this though, even with v2, v3 and the latest daily.

Are you able to send me a scene and if possible a short video demonstrating this issue please?


Title: Re: 3dsmax - Distance Map often doesn't update object list when map is duplicated
Post by: pokoy on 2019-04-11, 15:52:16
Yes, I'll see if I can come up with a repro case. Thanks for trying ;)
Title: Re: 3dsmax - Distance Map often doesn't update object list when map is duplicated
Post by: rowmanns on 2023-03-03, 15:25:26
This is fixed in the latest daily, you can grab it here:
