Chaos Corona Forum

Official Stuff => News => Topic started by: Ondra on 2012-11-05, 23:54:50

Title: Colored bokeh shapes (fake chromatic aberration) added
Post by: Ondra on 2012-11-05, 23:54:50
No additional comments necessary ;)
Title: Re: Colored bokeh shapes (fake chromatic aberration) added
Post by: maru on 2012-11-06, 00:29:56
Very fake looking, I'd like to see this in some different scene, preferably interior. Maybe it's useful but you can usually add good looking chromatic aberration in post.
Title: Re: Colored bokeh shapes (fake chromatic aberration) added
Post by: Ondra on 2012-11-25, 23:36:45
Very fake looking, I'd like to see this in some different scene, preferably interior. Maybe it's useful but you can usually add good looking chromatic aberration in post.

It is extremely fake, but people insisted they want it ;)