Chaos Corona Forum

General Category => Gallery => Topic started by: Eder_Xavier on 2019-01-23, 01:35:59

Title: Sunset on a train track
Post by: Eder_Xavier on 2019-01-23, 01:35:59
Some render with the great COrona.
Title: Re: Sunset on a train track
Post by: romullus on 2019-01-23, 10:15:27
Very nice images, but i'm affraid that with track junction like yours, derailing is inevitable. Here's how it looks in real life:
Title: Re: Sunset on a train track
Post by: Jpjapers on 2019-01-23, 10:34:32
How do you achieve that HDR look?
Its a really nice look for something stylised and its in that weird area where its realistic and yet unrealistic at the same time and i honestly cant figure out why haha