Chaos Corona Forum

General Category => [ARCHICAD] Bug Reporting => [Archive] Chaos Corona for ARCHICAD => Porting and API => [ARCHICAD] Resolved Bugs => Topic started by: marbert on 2018-11-26, 15:49:18

Title: Corona Render Installer Fatal Error
Post by: marbert on 2018-11-26, 15:49:18
Hi, Corona Render Team!

I downloaded the file 'corona-archicad-alpha3-daily-2018-11-23' and when I try to install it I get an error (Win10 x64):


My computer specs:

AMD Phenom II X6 1055T, 2800 MHz (14 x 200)
Asus M4A89TD Pro/USB3 (AMD 890FX, AMD K10)
16384 Mb DDR3 (2x Samsung M378B5173QH0-CK0 4Gb + 2x Kingston 9905471-009.A00LF 4 Gb)
nVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
Title: Re: Corona Render Installer Fatal Error
Post by: Jan Špaček on 2018-12-03, 09:45:55
Hi, thanks for the bug report. Unfortunately, your CPU seems to be too old, it doesn't support SSE4.1 extension. Corona used to have a "legacy" version that worked on older CPU, but it is not supported anymore. Sorry for this.
Title: Re: Corona Render Installer Fatal Error
Post by: marbert on 2018-12-03, 10:44:12
Hi, Jan, thank you for you answer.

It's very pity...

In other words, this restriction is not only in Alpha version?

Even when there will be the Final release, it's also will NOT support AMD Phenom II X6 processors?

Thank you.
Title: Re: Corona Render Installer Fatal Error
Post by: alexhajdu on 2019-07-16, 11:53:57
We are sorry. Please follow the tech. requirements for the ArchiCAD 22: