Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Feature Requests => Topic started by: pokoy on 2018-05-02, 17:05:32

Title: Fixes and improvements to exclude/include lists
Post by: pokoy on 2018-05-02, 17:05:32
I remember having posted this before but for some reason can't find the threads.

In general, Corona's exclude/include lists still lack some options that would make them more convenient to work with. In addition, except for the list dialog, they have different options:

- in the Distance Map, we have a "+" and a "-" button, and the RMB 'clear list' command
- in the CoronaCam and the Mask render element Mask, we have a "+" button and the RMB 'clear list' command - for some reason, there's no "-" button here

Please can you make sure they all have the same functionalities across the entire range of Corona features and objects?

And please can you make the 'Clear List' command a bit more obvious to the user? It doesn't make sense it's available as an RMB command on the "+" button but not on the "-" button. How about introducing a "X" button, so it's quickly visible for beginners for example?

Also, if you want to check what's included in a RE Mask's list, for example, there's no way to quickly select all objects. When the list contains 1500+ objects the only way to find out is to open the list and wait... wait... wait... for larger scenes and then go through a list of thousand of names and try to find the one you're looking for.
A good solution would be to add either icons or an option when you RMB click the list which would let you:
- select objects in that list
- create a selection set based on the objects in the list (named 'exclude list selection x', for example)

Exclude/Include lists and their limited options have been a topic multiple times, I really think it's about time to make sure they finally feel complete in v2. Thank you!
Title: Re: Fixes and improvements to exclude/include lists
Post by: Njen on 2018-05-02, 23:26:04
Since we are talking about include/exclude lists, What is the consensus on which default option do people prefer? I know this is highly debatable, but I am always an 'opt-in' type of user, where I always find it natural to add something to a list for it to be considered in what ever feature I am using. having the default as exclude is non-intuitive for me.
Title: Re: Fixes and improvements to exclude/include lists
Post by: Ondra on 2018-05-05, 11:27:27
you can also view the default as "opt-in", because it means "output is not modified in any way". If you pick something, then the output is modified by excluding node X.

+ vs +- buttons is simply matter of space - where picking is important aspect of UI and there is list of nodes, we use both buttons (e.g. picking scatter objects), when it is just extra feature on top of something (e.g. exclude from AO), there is just + button. We can easily add more options to the menu, so expect it to be added sometimes in the future.
Title: Re: Fixes and improvements to exclude/include lists
Post by: pokoy on 2018-05-05, 12:16:36
Totally forgot the scatter list.

In the RE UI there's a lot of space. Since managing mask objects is important, adding the - button would be very welcome, selecting objects in the list and some sort of layer management in addition to what we have would be really great.
Maybe, if space is limited, the list button could be made shorter.