Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] Bug Reporting => Topic started by: feko on 2018-03-22, 11:28:52

Title: 3DS Max crashes during "Parsing Scene"
Post by: feko on 2018-03-22, 11:28:52

just a disclaimer at the beginning: I am quite new to the whole rendering / 3d modeling stuff.

I have a quite simple scene which is based on a floor plan and the units are in meters (so it seems quite big). I have a Corona Material on the floor (pine wood) and since the floor is quite big, the pattern of the pine wood does not really come out. Thats why I tried to tweak the tiling of the UV coordinates, both in the Material Editor of the Bitmap as also in the UVW modifier on the floor itself.

Whenever I do this, 3ds Max crashes at least at the second time rendering during "Parsing Scene".

Any help with this is very much appreciated.

Title: Re: 3DS Max crashes during "Parsing Scene"
Post by: maru on 2018-03-22, 13:23:32
Which version of Corona is this?
Can you send us exact reproduction steps? (what to click, what modifiers to add, etc)
Can you send us any scene (even very simple) where this can be reproduced?
Can you also send a minidump from the crash?
More info:
Title: Re: 3DS Max crashes during "Parsing Scene"
Post by: feko on 2018-03-22, 16:16:22
Corona version: 1.7 (hotfix 3)
Full-speed, Non-debug, MaxSDK 2018
Build timestamp: Feb  8 2018 13:09:21
Defines: Wide RGB

I uploaded the scene and minidump via the private uploader.

To reproduce:
1) open the 3ds file
2) click on render setup
3) click on render
4) if it has not already crashed, cancel the rendering
5) select the floor, go to the UVW Map, disable 'Real World Map Size', change U and V Tile to 0.5
6) start render again
7) 3ds Max Crashes

Title: Re: 3DS Max crashes during "Parsing Scene"
Post by: TomG on 2018-03-22, 16:41:08
Haven't done testing beyond following the steps, and no crash here. As a note, there is a report on loading the file that a dwg object is missing, not sure if that object could be involved in some way in the crash. Also, just to confirm the set up, there is mean to be a really small region defined for the rendering on loading and clicking render? (Note, it does render fine even if I delete the region and render the whole image).

Note, I was testing with the latest daily build.
Title: Re: 3DS Max crashes during "Parsing Scene"
Post by: Evan Lindsay on 2018-03-22, 21:44:46
This is a constant issue for me. It's constantly crashing during parsing scene or just crashes right out when I press interactive render. I use a lot of imported .step geometry using the Npower importer plugin, which converts to native mesh. Maybe that's the issue?

I'm running the latest SP of Max 2018 and Corona 1.7.
Title: Re: 3DS Max crashes during "Parsing Scene"
Post by: feko on 2018-03-23, 09:00:43
Switching to Corona version: 2 DailyBuild Mar 16 2018 seems to have resolved the problem.
Title: Re: 3DS Max crashes during "Parsing Scene"
Post by: Evan Lindsay on 2018-03-23, 15:43:19
How do I gain access to this?
Title: Re: 3DS Max crashes during "Parsing Scene"
Post by: Frood on 2018-03-23, 15:47:59
How do I gain access to this?

Good Luck

Title: Re: 3DS Max crashes during "Parsing Scene"
Post by: TomG on 2018-03-23, 15:49:37
As a note, every so often the dropbox link changes, so it's safer to bookmark the helpdesk page ( ( which has the current dropbox link on it - and if we change the dropbox, we change the link on that page :)
Title: Re: 3DS Max crashes during "Parsing Scene"
Post by: Evan Lindsay on 2018-03-23, 16:17:19
Dude! Thanks for this -- totally fixed the problem. I was almost about to give up on this renderer.