Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for 3ds Max => [Max] I need help! => Topic started by: valwizard on 2017-11-10, 10:05:15

Title: Blurred image in Corona 1.7
Post by: valwizard on 2017-11-10, 10:05:15
Hi, there. Also in Corona 1.7 I have sadly discovered that the image is blured a lot vs Corona 1.6. The new light solver is of and the scene is only lightened using sun+HDRI. Image attached. Could it be because I used a scene created in corona 1.5? Or there is a new algorithm? BTW everything is disabled - denoiser etc. PT+PT
Title: Re: Blurred image in Corona 1.7
Post by: maru on 2017-11-10, 10:19:04
Hi, do you have the same render from 1.6 or older for comparison?
Have you tried resetting render settings? (Scene > Reset settings)
Title: Re: Blurred image in Corona 1.7
Post by: valwizard on 2017-11-10, 10:42:43
Hi, Maru. Thanks for your support. I do not have the same region as previously I have rendered an animation using HD 720 output resolution. Obviously, the simplest solution is the right one. I have reset the Corona render settings and it worked like a charm. The problem I think was that previously I have had motion blur ticked for objects. But the problem persists even when everything was ticked off. Resetting  Render settings worked well. Sorry if this was a noobie question